
Resource Type:


  • Working Speech and Language Skills Into Meal Time

Working on Speech and Language During Meals

Are you interested in working on your child's speech and language skills but don't have the time to do it?  Here are some fun ways you can work on speech and language during meals and snacks that you have every day! Speech and Language During Meals #1: Request Foods

  • Tips for working speech and language skills into your bedtime routine

How to work speech and language into your bedtime routine

If you’re like most parents of children with speech and language delays, you would probably love to work on your child’s communication skills more but don’t have the time.  Here are some fun ways to work speech and language skills into the bedtime routine you do every day. Bath

  • How To Improve Your Child's Reading Fluency

Reading Fluency: How to Help Your Child

When your child reads out loud, does it sound choppy or broken up? Does your child have trouble understanding and remembering things he has read out loud? Your child may benefit from some tips on improving reading fluency. What Is Reading Fluency? According to the National Reading Panel, reading

  • Snow-Themed Speech and Language Activities

Snow Activities for Speech and Language

My sister-in-law has a fabulous pair of snow-flake pajamas that she wears when she wants it to snow.  Without fail, she will awake the next morning to snow on the ground!  This post is my way of wishing for snow!  I'm hoping that if I write about it, we

  • how to teach kids words vocabulary boosting activities

How to Teach Kids Words: Vocabulary-Building Activities

How to Teach Kids Words: Vocabulary-Building Activities Learn how to teach vocabulary words in a way that is easy and painless! Does your child have vocabulary problems? Does your child have trouble learning new words? Here is the procedure we use in speech therapy for how to teach

  • Cookie-Themed Speech and Language Activities

Cookie Activities for Speech and Language

Every December for many years now, my mom and her best friend have gathered for “Cookie Day”.  They wake up early and bake cookies and sweets all day long.  Then comes dinner and Christmas carols.  I’ve had the pleasure to help them with Cookie Day most years and am

Vehicle Themed Speech Therapy: Using Vehicle Sounds in Words

Vehicle-Themed Speech Therapy Activities: Are you working with a child who loves cars, busses, and other vehicles?  You can use this passion to boost their language skills!  This post will show you some great ways to use vehicles and vehicle sound words to help a child boost their

Best Speech and Language Gifts

Are you looking for some ideas for holiday shopping?  Here are some of my favorite speech and language toys and games that are great for working on speech and language skills.  These are great for children who have speech and language delays as well as for speech therapists or

How to Teach Yes No Questions – Speech Therapy

How to Teach Yes No Questions in Speech Therapy Yes no questions are a common target for speech therapy sessions because once a child can answer yes no questions, you will be able to get more information to find out what they are trying to

Parent Teacher Conferences with Speech Therapists

Parent-teacher conferences at our school are this week and it has me thinking about ways that parents of children with speech and language delays can make the best of their parent teacher conferences.  Here are some ideas that I have that can improve your relationship with your child's teachers

  • Pumpkin Activities for Speech and Language

Thanksgiving Speech and Language Activities

Thanksgiving is almost upon us!  Now is the time to start doing some Thanksgiving speech and language activities with your child to help him/her get ready.  These activities will improve your child's speech and language skills while getting everyone in the holiday spirit! Thanksgiving Speech and Language Activities #1:

How to Read to Kids

Did you know that reading to your child is one of the best ways to improve her speech and language skills?  It's true!  If you only have time to do one thing per day to help your child's communication, my suggestion would be to read to her.  Here are

Winter Speech and Language Activities: Cold-Weather Clothes

As one of my preschoolers told me the other day, the weather is getting "blustery"!  Now is the perfect time to start pulling out all of those winter clothes: hats, gloves, scarves, coats, etc.  However, seeing as it has probably been several months since your child last saw these

How to Help a 3-Year-Old with Speech Delay

How to Help a 3-year-old with Speech Delay: When it comes to speech and language skills, a 3-year-old should have a word for just about everything around him and he should be able to put those words together to make short sentences.  His speech should also be

  • Augmentative Communication Myths

Using an AAC Device on Halloween for Trick-or-Treat

Do you have a child with AAC or a communication device?  Would you like to take that child trick-or-treating?  Well you’ve come to the right place!  Here are some tips on how to have the best Halloween ever with  your AAC user! 1) Program some key Halloween phrases on her

  • Pumpkin Activities for Speech and Language

Pumpkin Activities for Speech and Language

Are you looking for some fun pumpkin activities that you can do at home to improve your child's speech and language skills?  Here are some ideas of how you can use pumpkins for some fun speech and language building time! Pumpkin Activities #1: Faces Vocabulary For this activity, you will

  • Stuttering in Children

5 Myths about Stuttering in Children

Photo Courtesy of imagerymajestic - Are you worried about your child’s stuttering?  Then you need to read this first!  Stuttering in children can be very scary, especially if they are your children.  But stuttering in children can also be very common.  Check out these myths to help you understand