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Speech Therapy for Autism: Activities, PDFs, and Info
Speech Therapy for Autism: Activities, PDFs, and Info Autism, also called Autism Spectrum Disorder, is a diagnosis that describes a group of children with a common cluster of symptoms, though the degree of severity for each of those symptoms varies widely from child to child. These symptoms include
Stuttering vs. Cluttering: Definitions and Speech Therapy for Fluency
Stuttering vs. Cluttering: Definitions and Speech Therapy for Fluency What are Stuttering and Cluttering? Stuttering is a speech and language disorder which is characterized by breaks in the flow of speech. Children who stutter may repeat sounds, parts of words, whole words, or whole phrases. They may
Social Stories for Children with Language Delays
Hello everybody! Today’s post is inspired by a reader who was wondering how she can use social stories with her autistic son to help him understand basic social situations. Here are a few ideas of how you can use social stories with your child as well. These social stories
R Therapy: A Case Study
Ok everyone, I’m trying out a new style of post to see what you, my readers, think. This will be a case study of a child that I have worked with and the r therapy I conducted with this child. It will give you an idea of how
Teaching Play Skills Through Imitation
Teaching Play Skills I’ve talked before about how important it is for children to learn how to do pretend play. There is a strong connection between being able to pretend that a toy is something real and being able to use a word to represent the real thing. So
Teaching Pronouns – Speech Therapy | “He”, “She”, “They”
Join the Hub to Access (Free Trial) Teaching Pronouns in Speech Therapy Teaching pronouns in speech therapy is a common target because children with language delays often have difficulty with using the correct pronouns in conversation, especially the "he" and
Parent Teacher Conferences with Speech Therapists
Parent-teacher conferences at our school are this week and it has me thinking about ways that parents of children with speech and language delays can make the best of their parent teacher conferences. Here are some ideas that I have that can improve your relationship with your child's teachers
Parent’s Guide to Speech and Language Disorders
Parent's Guide to Speech and Language Disorders Perhaps you've just been told that your child requires speech or language therapy. Or maybe you suspect that your child may have some communication delays. Either way, it is very helpful to have a basic understanding of speech and language therapy