Speech Therapy at Home:
Simple Activities for Improving Speech at Home
If you’re wondering how you can improve your child’s speech and language skills at home, you’ve come to the right place! If you suspect that your child has a speech or language delay, the first thing you should do is to contact a speech-language pathologist (SLP) in your area. The best way to find an SLP is to contact your local public schools. In the United States, the public schools serve children with speech and language delays as young as three years of age and their services are absolutely free.
Unfortunately, the evaluation process can take a few months and some children may not qualify at all. Even when a child is enrolled in speech therapy, home practice can increase the effectiveness of that therapy. For these reasons, parents are often interested in ways they can do speech therapy at home.
The following contains ideas of how you can help your child be understood better as well as improve their use of language to communicate with others in a more effective way. This advice should not replace a consultation with a speech-language pathologist and you should always follow your SLP’s advice on the best ways to improve your child’s skills.
In order to know how you can do speech therapy at home, it is important to understand how a speech-language pathologist would work with your child. Let’s take a look:
Speech Therapy at Home Step One:
What the SLP Will Do:
First, the SLP will do an assessment of your child, which will include looking at all areas of speech and language development to see which areas your child is delayed in. They decide this by comparing your child’s performance to developmental norms. This means, what typically developing children are able to do at that age.
What You Can Do for Speech Therapy At Home:
Look to see what communication skills your child should have at their age. We have written about this on our website here.
These guides summarize the current research about what typically developing children are generally able to do at certain ages. This will give you an idea of what skills your child may need extra teaching in and give you a place to start.
Speech Therapy at Home Step Two:
Choosing Goals:
What the SLP Will Do:
Next, the SLP will choose a few of these problem areas to work on at a time. Many times, children with speech and language difficulties have problems with several areas. It is important when you begin therapy to select a reasonable number of goals to address at first. The SLP will typically choose these based on which problems are affecting communication the most, or which skills are typically developed the earliest. For example, if a child is only able to speak a few words but also has trouble with the /s/ sound, the speech therapist will choose to teach him/her more words before beginning to address specific sounds.
What You Can Do for Speech Therapy At Home:
Choose 2-3 of your child’s areas of weakness to address. The best way to choose targets for parents is to pick what’s affecting your child and your family the most. For example, if your child has a lot to say but no one can understand him because of sound errors, you could pick a few speech sounds to work on. Or, if your child has difficulty following directions and it is interfering with your daily routine and family life, you may want to start there. Try to avoid choosing goals that the milestones guide above says are well above your child’s age level or far away from what he’s currently able to do, but really anything you choose to work on with your child for speech therapy at home will do him/her good.
Speech Therapy at Home Step Three:
Providing Therapy
What the SLP Will Do:
Your child’s speech therapist will be trained on the best therapy methods available for each type of disorder and delay. All SLPs must take part in continuing education opportunities that will advise them of what the research is saying about various therapy techniques. Each child is different and will respond to different therapy methods. The SLP’s job is to choose the right therapy technique for each child and to adapt therapy when the child does or does not respond to a specific technique.
What You Can Do for Speech Therapy At Home:
This is the part where I tell you that it is very important to be working with a speech-language pathologist so they can choose the therapy approach that will work best for your child. After all, that’s why they have a Master’s Degree! But there are some basic approaches that you can try during speech therapy at home to help your child. The idea is simple: break each skill down into smaller or simpler pieces and specifically teach them to your child. For example, if you want to teach your child to use the /f/ sound correctly in conversation, you can start by teaching your child how to say the sound by itself (“fffffff”), then in syllables (“fuh”, “oof”), then words (“fish”, “roof”), and then begin putting those words in sentences and conversation. Or, if you want to teach your child how to follow multi-step directions, you could start with very basic short directions with a picture cue (like “sit”, “stand up”, “come here”) and gradually work your way up to more complex directions and putting two or three-step directions together.
If this sounds complicated, don’t worry! You can do this! You just need to get into the mindset of breaking skills down into smaller pieces. Check out some of our other articles or head over to the weekly speech and language tips and find some ideas of how you can work on various skills at home.

About the Author: Carrie Clark, MA CCC-SLP
Hi, I’m Carrie! I’m a speech-language pathologist from Columbia, Missouri, USA. I’ve worked with children and teenagers of all ages in schools, preschools, and even my own private practice. I love digging through the research on speech and language topics and breaking it down into step-by-step plans for my followers.
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Your article impressed me. my child ‘s Voice is not clear . What to do…
Definitely speak with a speech-language therapist in your area!
Your article is good. but my child is not pronouns some word clearly. for eg. S, H
Please tell me how can i take his speech therapy at home.
My grandson has a definite speech issue but I only have him every other Saturday is there someone who can come to my home and evaluate home as well as help him
I had no idea that you could do a form of speech therapy at home. Just as you point out, setting goals in specific areas will help the kids much more than trying to improve everything at once. Trying to do everything at the same time just frustrates kids, and once they are frustrated then nothing will get done, and no improvements will be made in my opinion. Doing this at home is great, but I would still prefer to take a child to see a professional speech therapist.
Comment…my 3,years old child just blabs and coos. he doesn’t listen to instructions. how do i help at hime.
Hi, Oiza-
You can try reviewing some of these past posts from Carrie to see if anything will help you.
my son speak clear but he always repeat what you said , ie if you said what is you name ? he will reply what is name? other same ways , please tell me how i can improve his speech and what i have to do .
Hi, Ayush-
As we cannot not make a diagnose about your son, you may want to review this blog post from Carrie to see if anything would help you out.
I like how you say that you would want to address a child’s speech weaknesses at home. It would be good to choose some that the kid is already working on with a pathologist. My son has a stutter, so when we find a speech pathologist for him we’ll have to work with him at home as well.
My husband cant speak after he has a brain stem stroke (bilateral). How will i do to help him speak again in speech teraphy at home?
My daughter was diagnosed 3 years ago as a non verbal learning disabilities and also she had difficulty with social skills. So this past 3 years at school she had an IEP teacher to help her, so yesterday was her second evaluation that her doctor did and we find out the reason she had difficulty to understand task at school or home is because she had with her speech languages. Now her doctor had to refer her to a speech language therapy. Her difficulty is more putting sentences together so people can understand her.
I am happy to see my daughter is not alone I am hoping now she can have the help she needs.
Thank you
My son is 2months to become 5 years, he avoid any kind of writing, but draws some shape by his choice, he can follow abc upto z.
I looked into your article..But my doubt is my baby is 3 years old, she was speaking all the things like all animal names,fruit names, vegetables, months, shapes every things all she learnt from rhymes videos and she was so much interested in learning these..but she was not interacting with us like mom I want this or that..upto now she didn’t called me ‘MOM’.. IS this any problem? is I should consult speech therapist or any doctor releated to this..
Hi Mrudula,
My daughter had a similar problem. Please consult a child psychiatrist at the earliest. The earlier the better. And please don’t worry, she’ll do just fine!
Hi Sindhya,
Glad to see your motivate comment. My son is very similar as Mrudula daughter. He knows all the names, A-Z, alphabets, 1-50 numbers, colours, shapes, even rhymes. But he dont communicate with us, social lacking etc. How is your daughter now at what age she recovered. Did you do any special classes for her ?
Appreciate your response.
Completely Same as with my son
Ma child doesnt speak at all..he is 2 and half yrs old ….wat should u do ….???
Hi, Dhwanij-
Here is a link from Carrie’s website with posts relating to nonverbal children. Hopefully there will be something in them that can help you.
Hi…same case is with my son pls suggest what r u doing or have done for same
Your article is good. My child cant even attempt 1 word except mama.
I need a speech therapist
My child is being homeschooled he was in speech therapy at school but because he is now homeschooled they will not offer him it not with us having private insurnance. Any suggestions as to how to try to continue it at home?
You don’t have to be in the public school system to receive speech therapy through them. I live in NC, homeschool, have private insurance and received free speech therapy through the public school system. Maybe try going up the chain of command a bit and see if they will help you still. Private speech therapists are out there as an option too though. I switched and feel like we get better care through private practice. If you live in a small town, you may have to drive a ways to find a place though. Not many private options close by me.
Your article is good, thanks for helping and advising peoples who worry about kids.
My child is 3 yrs + he cannot speak well but read alphabets, numbers and sing poems when he watch on TV ,
he did not ask for milk when he feel hungry,
he did not tell us when he feel to go to bath room, neither he tell us if he did.
please advise what is the problem with him, what we should do.
Same is the prob with my son..
Your son is he same now ?
Has he started speaking??
Pls rep.
My son is nine year old his word are also not clear for e g r s .Please tell how can I take his speech therapy at home
Hi. The suggestions mentioned here are helpful. I definitely would like to have my daughter seen by a speech therapist. However my situation is a bit complicated. My daughter is 21mo and still doesn’t say asn’t words other than baba and occasionally mama. She currently is with her mother living in Uruguay but mostly is exposed to English. Do you think it would be helpful for her to see a specialist even though she doesn’t speak Spanish? We’re expecting my wife’s greencard in about 4 months but I feel our daughter needs help now.
My son is likely going to need speech therapy once he starts school, so thanks for the tips on how to improve at home too. I like that you suggest breaking up the speech program into smaller parts and focusing on individual sounds and letters. We’ll definitely try getting him to start using those sounds in his words so we can help him improve.
NETT Garments
Edited · 3 weeks ago
Namaste, My son is 3.5 years . He is not talking with meaningful sentence, he can say two words, but most of the time he doesn’t respond when we cal his name., he is not understanding my commands, he says most of the words but not answering for asked questions, he doesn’t call me . Am worried very much. Is there any medicine or way to make him to talk . Sometimes he keeps saying words one by one which he knows.
Try for your kid Nemecheck Protocol for speech development and other developmental delays. Check more information on FB group Nemecheck boutique.
Hi, thank you for this article. My 4year and 5months old daughter follows every instruction you give but she has only about 5real words. Mama,daddy,baby,bye… but she points to what she wants and talks baby talk. Where do you think I could start with helping her speak more words. She talks a lot but all baby talk.
I enjoyed your article. My son will be 4yrs in a few months. He has been speaking well all along. But he recently began to repeat sentences, Just the way people that stammer do. How do I use speech therapy for him?
I want to speech therapy at home
What sounds should I start with. My grandson is 2 and only make sounds.. no words
My Son Can’t say any word, he has cerebral palsy, how can I do at home, please help me.
my son does not speech clear. He is 7 years old. What do I do
My daughter is 3 and she is able to say just few words what should I do
Hi, Barbara-Please review Carrie’s resources on Late Talkers here: https://www.speechandlanguagekids.com/late-talker-resource-page/, as it may give you some guidance. If you have further questions, please let us know.
My brother is 8 year old and he has seizure disorder from last 6 year and he will not speak any thing properly how can i help him that he can speak properly.
my son is going to three years and yet he cannot pronounce words, I put him in school still no change. what can I do
Hi ,.
My son is 3 and half year old….he know every animals name,colours, alphabet s , number s etc…but he is not fluent in normal talk…..he never interact with us….is it need to consult any therapist…must reply please
Hi, Nirmal-You can check out Carrie’s free resources on stuttering here: https://www.speechandlanguagekids.com/stuttering-cluttering-resource-page/. Please let us know if you have any further questions.
Hello! I couldn’t get the Linguisystems guide. It there anyway I could get it
Hi, Ariana-The originally link is no longer active, but I did a bit of research and found this one that may be of help: http://www.hearsaylw.com/2018/07/free-guide-to-communication-milestones.html.
milestones link isnt working!
Hi, Treezo-I’m sorry that the milestones link is not working. I did a quick internet search and found this one: http://www.hearsaylw.com/2018/07/free-guide-to-communication-milestones.html. Hopefully that will be of some help to you.
Iam kindergarten teacher , this year im having a top job because this year in my class there is one student who is having a speech problem …he just cant communicate and even eye contact is zero .. He just run and didnt sit in one place either and scream with no reasons.i tried everything with him but , still having a problem to deal with his problem ..please kindly recomment in my issue ..it would be helpful for me.
Hello! Thank you so much for reaching out. Unfortunately, we get a ton of questions every day about how to solve specific speech/language problems. Since we have such a small staff, we aren’t able to answer every question that comes through on the website, social media, or via email. If you are a parent, we suggest you reach out to a local speech-language pathologist who can work with your child directly and answer your question.
If you are another speech-language professional, we have created a membership where we pay a full staff to answer questions like this on a regular basis. We would be more than happy to answer your question inside the membership program. We’re able to answer more questions in here because we have a full library of questions that we’ve already answered so our staff can either link you to the answer if it exists, or write you a custom response if needed. We’d love to see you inside the membership!
Click Here to Become a Member: https://www.slpsolution.com/pediatric-signup/.
Hi, My Son is 9 year old and he cant speak few words clearly. For eg. he spells “School” as “fool”. He has problem in spelling s and r sound words. Please help.
Hi, Nambi-This resource page from Carrie’s site may be of some help to you: https://www.speechandlanguagekids.com/?s=%2Fr%2F. If you have any other questions, please let us know.
Hi ,my lil girl is 02 and half years old. she can read quite well ,basically she reads any book that she wants. when i take her to library ,she chooses books and read them out loud. but she doesn’t communicate with us (like : mommy i’m hungry, i want my teddy,im thirsty , i want to wear my pink top ect ) But she repeats everything we say to her. speak clearly. i think she understands what i say but not sure.
Hi, Tan-I came across this article on Carrie’s site that may be of some help to you: https://www.speechandlanguagekids.com/echolalia-when-children-repeat-what-you-say/. Please let us know if you need anything else.
HI, Thank u so very much. i’ll check it now.
My child is a special child and having problem with speech, he is a down syndrome child . Can you arrange a lady tutor at my home for his bright future. Thanks
Hi, Deepak-Unfortunately we do not take on personal cases at this time. I’m so sorry about that! You may want to check in your local area or through the school system.
I need speech therapist for clearing of my voice which is damage since last 2 months due to some lickages. Endoscopy show that there is no any damage in vocal chord. Then what could be the problem??
Please help mi for clearing of my voice.
Hi, Jyoti-Unfortunately, Carrie no longer is taking personal clients. I’m so sorry about that!
Thank You! This post is very helpful!
You are more than welcome, Joanna! Please let us know if you have any questions.
Thanks for encouraging me to contact a speech-language therapist who can help my child develop her skills. I refused to entertain the idea until I learned that we can do it at home from your article and I think that every session will be more comfortable for my child. I’ll follow your advice and look for a local expert in speech therapy as soon as possible.
You are more than welcome Zoe. Please let us know if you have any additional questions that we can help with.
Hi, Nirmal-You can check out Carrie’s free resources on stuttering here: https://www.speechandlanguagekids.com/stuttering-cluttering-resource-page/. Please let us know if you have any further questions.
Hi I have the same problem with my Daughter who is only 6 , and is in Grade one, she easily gets nervous to strangers and until she gathers trust she will not be free. Her teacher thinks she needs speech therapy which I don’t think its necessary.
She started talking non stop at 3 years. And at 2 in her class she was the first to speak basic words. She told me Mama do you know when I’m speaking to the teacher my voice doesn’t come out nicely , I asked why she said I will be scared
and my tears wants to come out. Should I open up to the teacher coz behind that voice normaly they’re tears all the time. I wouldn’t know what therapy she needs as she speaks well to those she is comfortable with. I have shouted on her before and when that happens her voice changes . Please help what can I do. Seems the teacher is shouting too much my Daughter doesn’t like that and avoids hurting her teacher. Please help.
Hello, Hope-
Thank you so much for reaching out. Unfortunately, we get a ton of questions every day about how to solve specific speech/language problems. Since we have such a small staff, we aren’t able to answer every question that comes through on the website, social media, or via email. If you are a parent, we suggest you reach out to a local speech-language pathologist who can work with your child directly and answer your question.
If you are another speech-language professional, we have created a membership where we pay a full staff to answer questions like this on a regular basis. We would be more than happy to answer your question inside the membership program. We’re able to answer more questions in here because we have a full library of questions that we’ve already answered so our staff can either link you to the answer if it exists, or write you a custom response if needed. We’d love to see you inside the membership!
Click Here to Become a Member: https://www.slpsolution.com/pediatric-signup/
Great article thanks for sharing this information
You are so very welcome! Please reach out with any questions you may have.
My Grandson, 11 years of age suffers Autism disorder and has no speech. He is undergoing ABA therapy but we need SPEECH therapy as well. If there is a possibility of having a Speech therapist to visit home for the therapy we shall sincerely be obliged. Please do get in touch with us and let us know the possibility. We stay in Northville MI
Hi, Vijay-While we do not personally take on 1-1 cases, we can suggest working with your child’s school to help find a local speech therapist.
Thank you for sharing the useful information about Child Speech Therapy.