Speech Therapy Reward Systems that Won’t Break the Bank
Are you still using a treasure box to reward your students in speech therapy? If so, you’re going to love these alternative reward system ideas that will save you time, money, and headache! Kayla Redden joined us LIVE to help us ditch the treasure box! #speechieshow
Below are the links to the products that were talked about in the Speechie show:
- Kayla’s site: http://www.kaylaslp.com/
- Speech Therapy Reward Cards: bit.ly/SLPrewardcards
- Teachers Pay Teachers store: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Kayla-Slp
If you’d rather listen to the audio version of the Speechie Show, click here:
Or if you prefer to read the transcript, see below:
Welcome to the Speechie Show! Being a speech-language pathologist often means having too much work and not enough planning time. To beat the overwhelm, we’re bringing you the tricks and tools that will make your job a little bit easier.
Carrie: Welcome to the Speechie Show. I am your host Carrie Clark from SpeechandLanguagekids.com and I’m here today with Kayla Redden from KaylaSLP.com. How are you Kayla?
Kayla: I’m fine, how are you?
Carrie: We are excited to have Kayla on today. We are talking about alternatives to the treasure box. So that is the reward system that kind of becomes the default, is having a bunch of treasure in the corner and we’re going to talk about some alternatives today to motivate your students so that you don’t have to be going out and buying new “Treasures” all the time. Okay so if you’re new to the show, I am Carrie Clark from SpeechandLanguagekids.com and this is the Speechie Show. Every week we hop on with a new speech and language pathologist and we chat about something and give you some tips. We also share some resources and we’ll do a giveaway, here in just a couple of minutes. So, stay tuned if you’re joining us on Facebook Live today. Alright so before we get started talking about alternatives to the treasure box and the new reward systems, Kayla why don’t you tell us a little bit more about yourself and your background.
Kayla: Yes, I’m Kayla SLP and I’m all over social media if you’re looking for me. I graduated from grad school about 3 years ago at North State University, which is in Western Kentucky and I’ve been working in a rural Elementary School for the past three years. We are very rural with just one elementary, 1 middle & high school. There’s one full-time SLP. It’s a small school. I love it and it’s a great job. And I work with mostly preschool to 3rd grade and SMD students.
Carrie: Okay, so you probably see the whole range of students than if it’s just you doing a lot of kids at the same time you know.
Kayla: Yes, I do.
Carrie: Okay perfect. Okay so if you’re just joining us we are talking today about alternatives to the treasure box and talking about some reward systems here today with Kayla. So, we’re going to go ahead and jump in with our five tips and then we’re going to share some resources and do some giveaways. So, the first take away today is just to get rid of the treasure box. Let’s talk about what that can look like.
Kayla: Yes, my first year when I started working at the school the other SLP had used a treasure box with all of her students. I was like cool, I’ll just use that because that’s what everybody uses. I picked it up and used it and kids were complaining that the toys were not cool enough for them. Obviously, preschoolers and kindergarteners didn’t want the same thing that 5th and 6th grade was wanting. I was having a hard time keeping it stocked with enough stuff to keep everybody happy. And when it came time to go ahead and fill it up again, well, there went another 30 bucks possibly filling up the treasure box. So, I decided to use my school funds on things that were better than Dollar Store toys to put in the box. And over the summer actually, on the last day of speech, I said pick whatever you want out of the box get two or three things because we’re cleaning it out, it’s not coming back. Over the summer I…click here to read the full transcript.

About the Author: Carrie Clark, MA CCC-SLP
Hi, I’m Carrie! I’m a speech-language pathologist from Columbia, Missouri, USA. I’ve worked with children and teenagers of all ages in schools, preschools, and even my own private practice. I love digging through the research on speech and language topics and breaking it down into step-by-step plans for my followers. I graduated from Truman State University in Kirksville, MO with a masters degree in Communication Disorders.
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Loved the ideas in this show!