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Infinite Material Generators for Speech-Language Therapy
Infinite Material Generators for Speech-Language Therapy Instantly create custom therapy materials that are specific to a client's goals and interests! Keep reading to learn more about these amazing new tools for speech-language professionals👇 Key Takeaways: AI can't do speech therapy for us, but it CAN
Progress Monitoring for Speech Therapy: How to Simplify Data Collection
Progress Monitoring for Speech Therapy: How to Simplify Data Collection Are you struggling to collect data to track progress on your students' goals? Sarah and Lisa from SLP Toolkit are joining us on the #speechieshow to talk about progress monitoring! #speechieshow Join the Hub
How to Use One Activity to Work on Multiple Goals in Speech Therapy
In this video, speech-language pathologist Carrie Clark shows you how you can use the same activity to work on multiple speech skills. This is helpful for group therapy or traveling therapist who can only take a limited number of materials with them. Summary: Book Reading Talk about
Why Do Speech Therapists Group Children Together?
In this episode of the Speech and Language Kids Podcast, speech-language pathologist Carrie Clark discusses the benefits of groups speech therapy for children and why speech therapists group children together. Carrie also discusses the types of cases that benefit from individual therapy. Click Here to Download Your Free
Teaching Core Vocabulary for AAC Users (Jeff Stepen)
In this episode of Speech Therapy: Storm of the Brains, Carrie Clark is joined by Jeff Stepen from to discuss activities that will help target core vocabulary for AAC users. Core Vocabulary for AAC Users Links: Conversations in Speech Podcast Pixon Project PRC Website Word Toob App Songs/Music:
Vehicle Themed Speech Therapy: Using Vehicle Sounds in Words
Vehicle-Themed Speech Therapy Activities: Are you working with a child who loves cars, busses, and other vehicles? You can use this passion to boost their language skills! This post will show you some great ways to use vehicles and vehicle sound words to help a child boost their