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Speech Therapy Reward Systems that Won’t Break the Bank
Speech Therapy Reward Systems that Won't Break the Bank Are you still using a treasure box to reward your students in speech therapy? If so, you're going to love these alternative reward system ideas that will save you time, money, and headache! Kayla Redden joined us LIVE to
School-Wide Supports for Children with Communication Challenges
School-Wide Supports for Children with Communication Challenges Are you getting too many referrals? Perhaps many children in your school have low communication skills and could use a little boost. Instead of putting them all through the special education process, try implementing a school-wide communication program that will help
Speech Therapy Carry-Over and Generalization for Articulation
Speech Therapy Carry-Over and Generalization for Articulation We're talking ARTICULATION CARRY-OVER! Do you have any students who can say their speech sounds perfectly in the speech room but seem to lose them as soon as they walk out of your room? So frustrating! Carissa from Home Sweet Speech
Speech Therapy for Non-Native Speaking Students
Speech Therapy for Non-Native Speaking Students Many of us have diverse students on our caseloads. How do we know if their sound errors are due to second language influences or a true disorder? What sounds or processes do we focus on to be successful? Are there kids
5 Tips for Eliciting the /k/ and /g/ Sounds in Speech Therapy
Do you have any children struggling to say those tricky /k/ and /g/ sounds? Jenna Rayburn from Speech Room News is here to help! Check out these 5 tips...ok, well it's really more like 7 or 8 help your children or students say that tricky /k/ and /g/
How to Find the Best Speech Therapy Apps Using Evidence-Based Practice
There are a TON of apps in the app stores that can be used for speech therapy. How do you know which ones will help and which ones are a waste of time and money? Jessica Solari from Consonantly Speaking joins us in this video to show us how
5 Easy Steps to Teaching /r/ in Speech Therapy
Do you have any students struggling with that tricky /r/ sound? Christine Ristuccia from Say it Right has the 10 missing links to treating the /r/ sound and she shares the first 5 steps with us here! Below are the links to the products that were
5 Best Halloween Freebies for Speech Therapy
The first Speechie show is here! In this first episode, Carrie talks about the 5 best Halloween freebies for speech therapy. You can watch the video here: Below are the links to the products that were talked about in the Speechie show: Spooky Speech: Halloween Articulation
How to Use One Activity to Work on Multiple Goals in Speech Therapy
In this video, speech-language pathologist Carrie Clark shows you how you can use the same activity to work on multiple speech skills. This is helpful for group therapy or traveling therapist who can only take a limited number of materials with them. Summary: Book Reading Talk about
How to Make 5-Minute Speech Sessions Work in a Busy School
In this video, speech-language pathologist Carrie Clark shows you how to make 5-minute speech sessions work when you have a busy, noisy environment to work in. Strategies for Getting Those Sessions Done Without a Ton of Transition Time: Pull into the hallway right outside the classroom.
Group Speech Therapy Activities (Even When Everyone’s Working on Different Things)
Group Speech Therapy Activities (That Even Work When Everyone's Working on Different Things) There are many benefits to group speech therapy and we'll be talking more about that in next week's podcast episode. But what do you do when you end up with a group of kids who
Speech Therapy for a Not Fully-Repaired Cleft Palate
In this video, speech-language pathologist Carrie Clark explains how to do speech therapy if a child has a cleft palate that is not fully repaired through surgery currently. I have a 4 year girl coming in for treatment of hypernasality. They girl has cleft lip and
Nasal Emission Speech Therapy Activities and Ideas
What is Nasal Emission? Nasal emission is a type of speech error where air is forced through the nose while producing sounds that don't normally require nasal air flow. When we say words with the /m/, /n/, or “ng” sounds, air comes through our nose. If a
Overview of Speech Therapy for Children with Cleft Palate
What is a Cleft Lip or Palate? Some children are born with holes or clefts in their lip or palate (roof of the mouth). This can cause severe difficulties with speech as well as with eating. These structural problems are often fixed with surgery as early as possible but
Overview of Treatment for Childhood Apraxia of Speech
In this video, speech-language pathologist Carrie Clark will give you a brief overview of how to do speech therapy for younger children with Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS). Notes: 1. Teach an alternative means of communication to relieve frustration and take the pressure off of his speech
Using Motor Learning Theory to Treat Apraxia
Ok, you've heard about "motor learning theory" and that it can be incredibly helpful for children with childhood apraxia of speech. But what does that even mean? In this video, speech-language pathologist Carrie Clark will break down how motor learning theory plays into what we do in speech therapy for
Apraxia Apps: for Childhood Apraxia of Speech
Apps and technology can be a great tool for children with Childhood Apraxia of Speech. In this video, Carrie Clark shows some excellent apraxia apps for use with children who have Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS). Watch the video above to find out about some great
Apraxia of Speech: Speech Therapy Activities for CAS
Childhood Apraxia of Speech: How to Do Speech Therapy for CAS Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) is a rare, neurologically-based speech disorder where the child knows what he wants to say but the message gets mixed up in the motor-planning and execution phase so the sounds come out
Childhood Apraxia of Speech Goals | CAS Speech Therapy
What is Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS)? CAS is a rare, neurologically-based speech disorder where the child knows what he wants to say but the message gets mixed up in the motor planning and execution phase so the sounds come out all wrong. Imagine it's like you're
Speech and Language Therapy Guide PLUS All-In-One Articulation Program and Materials Kit
⬅ Back to Speech and Language Kids Store View Shopping Cart Add to Cart Speech and Language Therapy Guide PLUS All-In-One Articulation Program and Materials Kit eBook Our two most popular products together! Worksheets and