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SOTB4: Tongue Thrust Therapy with Laura Powell
Speech therapists Carrie Clark and Laura Powell brainstorm ideas for helping a child eliminate sucking habits and remediating speech errors that result from tongue thrust. Links from Today's Episode: Contact: Laura Powell at Ask a Question: More Resources for Speech-Language Pathologists: Looking for
SOTB3: Young, Unintelligible Children with Kari Vandongen
Speech therapists Carrie Clark and Keri Vandongen brainstorm therapy ideas for children who are young and highly unintelligible. These children are too young for traditional drill and practice so alternatives are needed! Links from Today's Episode: EZ speech with David Hammer Ask a Question:
RTI Speech Therapy: How to Use 5-Minute Sessions for MTSS Tier 2
RTI Speech Therapy: How to Use 5-Minute Sessions for MTSS Tier 2 Response to Intervention (RTI) is an approach to supporting children who are struggling to learn something from the general education curriculum. It is when we provide additional supports to those children outside of the special education
Speech Therapy Warm-Up
Still doing Non-Speech Oral Motor Exercises for Warm-Ups? Try this instead!! Click Here to Download a PDF of the Warm-Up Need some sources for this info? Dr. Loff shared these with me: Speech sounds that are stimulable are more likely to improve without
Frontal Lisp/Interdental Lisp | Speech Therapy Ideas & Word Lists
What Is a Frontal Lisp? Let’s start at the beginning. A frontal lisp, also known as an interdental lisp, occurs when a child says the /s/ and /z/ sounds with the tongue pushed too far forward. This causes /s/ and /z/ to sound more like “th”. Frontal
How to Teach the /r/ Sound with Christine Ristuccia
In episode 24 of the Speech and Language Kids Podcast, Carrie Clark interviews speech-language pathologist Christine Ristuccia, founder of "Say it Right" about how to teach that tricky /r/ sound. This is great information for parents or SLPs! Who Is Christine Ristuccia? Christine Ristuccia, M.S., C.C.C.-S.L.P. is an
/f/ Sound Speech Therapy: Activities for teaching “f”
/f/ Sound Speech Therapy: How to Help Children Learn to Say the /f/ Sound Some children struggle to say the /f/ sound in conversational speech. We don't typically start working on the /f/ sound in therapy until a child is 4-5 years old as many children still struggle
5-Minute Speech Therapy Sessions: How Long Should Therapy Sessions Be?
5-Minute Speech Therapy Sessions: How Long Should Speech Therapy Sessions Be? What if I told you there was a way for your clients to make faster progress with less time in therapy? I'm guessing you'd be all about it, right? Well, the 5-minute model has shown itself again
Lateral Lisp Exercises for Speech Therapy
What is a Lateral Lisp? A lateral lisp, also called a lateral /s/ or palatal lisp, can be a very tricky thing to treat. With a lateral lisp, air is forced over the sides of the tongue for sounds like /s/, /z/, and “sh” instead
/f/ Articulation Homework: Complete Home Program
Click here to download the free /f/ Articulation Home Program /f/ Articulation Homework Description: This complete start-to-finish home program will go through every step to teaching a child to produce the /f/ sound. This program contains worksheets, articulation cards, visual aids, etc. specifically designed for the /f/ sound
/p/ Articulation Homework: Complete Home Program
Click here to download the /p/ Articulation Home Program for free! /p/ Articulation Homework: Description The complete start-to-finish home program will go through every step to teaching a child to produce the /p/ sound. This program contains worksheets, articulation cards, visual aids, etc. specifically designed for the /p/
/b/ Articulation Homework: Complete Home Program
Click here to download the /b/ Articulation Home Program for free! /b/ Articulation Homework: Complete Home Program This /b/ articulation homework is a complete start-to-finish home program will go through every step to teaching a child to produce the /b/ sound. This program contains worksheets, articulation cards, visual
Articulation Therapy Carry-Over Program
Click here to download the Articulation Carry-Over Program for free Articulation Therapy Carry-Over Program Description: Do you know a child who is learning how to say a new sound and is now able to produce that sound in sentences and during therapy, but is not yet using the
Articulation Cards /b/ and /p/
Click Here to Download for Free! (enter $0 in the price box to avoid putting in your credit card information or enter a higher amount to leave a donation so I can keep bringing you great content like these articulation cards /b/ and /p/) Articulation Cards /b/ and
CV, VC, CVC, and CVCV Words | Free Flashcards (Real Photos!)
How and Why to Use CV, VC, CVC, and CVCV Words in Speech Therapy: When working with a child who is not able to speak long words, we can begin improving their speech by teaching them to produce sounds in CV, VC, CVC, and CVCV words. These are
Road Trip Speech/Language Bingo
Click here to download the Road Trip Bingo Printables for free! Speech/Language Bingo Description: Use these printable Bingo cards to improve your child’s speech and language skills during long car rides. There are cards to address a variety of speech and language skills so check them out and
R Therapy: A Case Study
Ok everyone, I’m trying out a new style of post to see what you, my readers, think. This will be a case study of a child that I have worked with and the r therapy I conducted with this child. It will give you an idea of how
How to Teach Speech Sounds: Step By Step Guide
How to Teach Speech Sounds: Step-by-Step Guide In this episode, I give a step-by-step guide how to teach sounds. Also, in the quick tip, I share how you can download my free e-book that gives you a step-by-step process for improving your child's speech at home. Listen
How to do Speech Therapy at Home: Podcast 3
In this episode, I discuss how to get your child to sit down and do speech therapy at home with you. Also, in the quick tip, I will tell you about a resource that has helped me keep my students engaged and doing work with me for a very long
Speech Sounds by Age (and How to Teach Them)
Speech Sounds by Age: When and How to Teach Speech Sound Pronunciation Join The Hub (Free Trial Available) What are Speech Sounds? Speech sounds are the sounds in our language that we use to make up words. Each speech
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