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PECS for Autism | Speech Therapy Phases and Strategies

What are PECS? PECS stands for Picture Exchange Communication System.  PECS is a systematic way to teach a child how to communicate with someone else by handing them a picture of what they want.  This program was originally designed for children with autism but can be used

  • how to make communication boards

How to Make Communication Boards

How to Make Communication Boards: Communication boards are a great, inexpensive way to provide someone with a means to communicate who may not be able to speak yet.  Each board contains several pictures that represent different message that the person may want to say.  The person using the board

  • social skills for autism (adolescents)

Social Skills for Autistic Adolescents and Teens

Social Skills for Autistic Adolescents and Teens Today we're discussing how to teach conversation and social skills to older children who are struggling.  This may include children with autism or other social impairments. Social Skill Therapy for Autistic Adolescent and Teens: Join the

Speech Therapy for Autism: Activities, PDFs, and Info

Speech Therapy for Autism: Activities, PDFs, and Info Autism, also called Autism Spectrum Disorder, is a diagnosis that describes a group of children with a common cluster of symptoms, though the degree of severity for each of those symptoms varies widely from child to child. These symptoms include

AAC Devices for Autism | Are Communication Devices Helpful?

AAC Devices for Autism AAC Devices for autism were designed with one thing in mind: giving a voice to children who can't speak. Speaking is how we as adults communicate with those around us.  It allows us to interact with other people and influence the world around

Sign Language Flash Cards: Free PDF Download

Free Sign Language Flashcard Download Click here to download the sign language flashcards for free! Join the Hub to Access (Free Trial) Research has shown that teaching sign language to young children is beneficial to all children, whether they have speech and language

Child/Baby not Responding To Name: How Can We Help?

Child/Baby not Responding to Name: Many parents worry when their baby or toddler is not responding to his name.  A child may be ignoring you when you call his name for a variety of reasons.  Sometimes, it is just because the child isn't tuned

  • How to Get Your Child to Respond to Voices

How to Get Your Child to Respond To Voices

Photo Courtesy of Stuart Miles - One of the earliest pre-requisites for developing communication skills is that the baby is able to respond to sound and/or voice.  For most children, this skill develops naturally and no formal training is required.  However, children with severe disabilities may need

Baby Speech Therapy: How to Promote Language Development in Infants/Toddlers

Baby Speech Therapy: How to Promote Language Development in Infants/Toddlers Speech Therapy for Babies Congratulations!  You’re little bundle of joy is here!!  Keep in mind that it’s never too early to start promoting the development of good communication skills.  This is especially true if your child was born

Stimming and Hand Flapping when Excited – How to Help

Buy Now Stimming and Hand Flapping When Excited - What is it? Is it a problem if a child is stimming and hand flapping when excited?  Sometimes, children will flap their hands or engaging in self-stimulatory behaviors (also called “stimming”)

Speech Delays and Special Diets: Do They Help?

Speech Delays and Special Diets: Can They Help? About  9 months ago, I found out that I cannot tolerate eating gluten or dairy.  The news was devastating at the time.  Most of my favorite foods contain both gluten and dairy!!  How could this be??  Well, turns out the

  • Speech and Language Kids Podcast

Speech Therapy for Toddlers and Late Talkers: Podcast 8

Click Here to Check Out My E-Book for Jump Starting Late Talkers The topic of this episode is "Help!  My Child isn't talking yet!"  This episode will give you information about speech therapy for toddlers at home and what you can do to jumpstart your late talkers.  And

Sign Language for Toddlers with Speech Delay: Does it Help?

Sign Language for Toddlers with Speech Delay: Does it Help? There is much confusion in the world of parenting about using sign language with your child.  Research has shown that teaching sign language to young children is beneficial to all children, whether they have speech and language delays


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