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Stimming and Hand Flapping when Excited – How to Help
Buy Now Stimming and Hand Flapping When Excited - What is it? Is it a problem if a child is stimming and hand flapping when excited? Sometimes, children will flap their hands or engaging in self-stimulatory behaviors (also called “stimming”)
Calming Strategies for Kids: Techniques to Teach to Children
Calming Strategies for Children: Techniques to Teach to Children It's no secret that children feel a lot of big feelings. Our children with emotional regulation issues (such as those with autism, ADHD, anxiety, anger issues, etc.) may feel those feelings even more intensely than other children. And they
Social Stories for Children with Language Delays
Hello everybody! Today’s post is inspired by a reader who was wondering how she can use social stories with her autistic son to help him understand basic social situations. Here are a few ideas of how you can use social stories with your child as well. These social stories
Speech Delays and Special Diets: Do They Help?
Speech Delays and Special Diets: Can They Help? About 9 months ago, I found out that I cannot tolerate eating gluten or dairy. The news was devastating at the time. Most of my favorite foods contain both gluten and dairy!! How could this be?? Well, turns out the
Teaching Play Skills Through Imitation
Teaching Play Skills I’ve talked before about how important it is for children to learn how to do pretend play. There is a strong connection between being able to pretend that a toy is something real and being able to use a word to represent the real thing. So
Speech Therapy for Toddlers and Late Talkers: Podcast 8
Click Here to Check Out My E-Book for Jump Starting Late Talkers The topic of this episode is "Help! My Child isn't talking yet!" This episode will give you information about speech therapy for toddlers at home and what you can do to jumpstart your late talkers. And
Sign Language for Toddlers with Speech Delay: Does it Help?
Sign Language for Toddlers with Speech Delay: Does it Help? There is much confusion in the world of parenting about using sign language with your child. Research has shown that teaching sign language to young children is beneficial to all children, whether they have speech and language delays
Social Skills Activities for Preschoolers: Speech Therapy Ideas
Social Skills Activities for Preschoolers Many children with social language impairments have difficulty initiating or starting an interaction. Some children aren’t at all motivated to interact with others and therefore need a little bit of encouragement from us to get the ball rolling. Other children are very interested
How to Help a 3-Year-Old with Speech Delay
How to Help a 3-year-old with Speech Delay: When it comes to speech and language skills, a 3-year-old should have a word for just about everything around him and he should be able to put those words together to make short sentences. His speech should also be
How to Create a Halloween Social Story
For children with autism or speech and language delays, Halloween may seem to be more of a chore than a good time. Children who have trouble understanding and using language often become anxious or act out when there are changes in their routine. They also may shy away from