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  • slp resumes how to stand out

Speech-Language Pathology Resumes | How to Make Yours Stand Out

Speech-Language Pathology Resumes | How to Make Yours Stand Out Autumn Bryant of Expand Your S.C.O.P.E. joined us on December 5th to discuss SLP resumes and how SLPs (and healthcare workers in general) can make their resumes stand out compared to other qualified candidates for the same position.  #speechieshow

  • mixed groups for speech therapy

Mixed Groups in Speech Therapy: How to Run Therapy Groups for Multiple Targets

Mixed Groups in Speech Therapy: How to Run Therapy Groups for Multiple Targets Do you have speech therapy groups of children with mixed diagnoses and therapies? Let us show you how to put some fun back into your mixed groups! Lisette Edgar from Speech Sprouts joined us live

  • how to start seeing private speech therapy clients

How to Start Seeing Private Speech Therapy Clients

How to Start Seeing Private Speech Therapy Clients Interested in making more money by seeing private clients?  Jena Casbon was on The Speechie show to tell you 5 things that you need to know when starting to see private clients. Join the Hub to

  • Things You Didn't Know about Med SLP

5 things you didn’t know about being a Medical SLP

Are you curious about the medical side of our field?  @Rinki.SLP  joined us live on July 24th to share 5 things you didn't know about being a medical speech-language pathologist.  #speechieshiow Below are the links to the products that were talked about in the Speechie show: Medical

Parent & Caregiver Training in Early Intervention Speech Therapy

Parent & Caregiver Training in Early Intervention Speech Therapy SLPs get lots of clinical experience, but so much of working with infants and toddlers is about parent and caregiver education! This is often a skill we learn on the job... let's talk strategy! Ayelet joined us live to

  • school wide supports for children with communication challenges

School-Wide Supports for Children with Communication Challenges

School-Wide Supports for Children with Communication Challenges Are you getting too many referrals?  Perhaps many children in your school have low communication skills and could use a little boost.  Instead of putting them all through the special education process, try implementing a school-wide communication program that will help

Speech and Language Assessment for Autism

Speech and Language Assessment for Autism How can we assess communication skills in children with autism when they won't sit down for a standardized test??  Lacee Johnson from Speech Me Maybe joined us to share 5 tips for evaluating children with autism. Check out our best tips for

  • progress monitoring tips for speech therapy

Progress Monitoring for Speech Therapy: How to Simplify Data Collection

Progress Monitoring for Speech Therapy: How to Simplify Data Collection Are you struggling to collect data to track progress on your students' goals?  Sarah and Lisa from SLP Toolkit are joining us on the #speechieshow to talk about progress monitoring!  #speechieshow Join the Hub

SLP Work Settings: How to Transition from One Job to Another

SLP Work Settings: How to Transition from One Job to Another Are you an SLP that's considering switching to a different setting?  How do you know which setting will be best for you and if you're ready to make that leap?  Autumn Bryant from Expand Your Scope joined

  • Goal Writing that Makes Taking Data a Breeze

Goal Writing that Makes Taking Data a Breeze

Do you struggle to write goals that are easy to take data on?  Maureen Wilson from The Speech Bubble SLP joins us to discuss the best ways to write goals and the best way to collect data on goals that are not easily measured. Below

  • how-to-use-one-activity-to-work-on-multiple-goals-in-speech-therapy

How to Use One Activity to Work on Multiple Goals in Speech Therapy

In this video, speech-language pathologist Carrie Clark shows you how you can use the same activity to work on multiple speech skills.  This is helpful for group therapy or traveling therapist who can only take a limited number of materials with them. Summary: Book Reading Talk about

  • how-to-make-5-minute-speech-sessions-work-in-a-busy-school

How to Make 5-Minute Speech Sessions Work in a Busy School

In this video, speech-language pathologist Carrie Clark shows you how to make 5-minute speech sessions work when you have a busy, noisy environment to work in. Strategies for Getting Those Sessions Done Without a Ton of Transition Time: Pull into the hallway right outside the classroom.

  • why-do-speech-therapists-group-children-together

Why Do Speech Therapists Group Children Together?

In this episode of the Speech and Language Kids Podcast, speech-language pathologist Carrie Clark discusses the benefits of groups speech therapy for children and why speech therapists group children together.  Carrie also discusses the types of cases that benefit from individual therapy. Click Here to Download Your Free

Group Speech Therapy Activities (Even When Everyone’s Working on Different Things)

Group Speech Therapy Activities (That Even Work When Everyone's Working on Different Things) There are many benefits to group speech therapy and we'll be talking more about that in next week's podcast episode.  But what do you do when you end up with a group of kids who

How to Start an IEP Meeting the Right Way

Click Here to Download a PDF Version of this Quote for Free! Wouldn't it be great if all IEP meetings started this way?  We think so, too!  Click the button above to download a free copy of this quote that you can post in your office or

10 Tips for Making the Best Use of your Planning Time as a Speech Therapist

The following video comes from my membership site, The Speech Therapy Solution.  Each week day, I answer one question from a speech therapist with a short training video.  I hope you enjoy today's video!  For more great videos or to get your questions answered, come join us in The

How to Help Parents Understand the Importance of Speech Therapy and How to Help at Home

The following video comes from my membership site, The Speech Therapy Solution.  Each week day, I answer one question from a speech therapist with a short training video.  I hope you enjoy today's video!  For more great videos or to get your questions answered, come join us in The

How to Take Data During Push-In Speech Therapy

The following video comes from my membership site, The Speech Therapy Solution. Each week day, I answer one question from a speech therapist with a short training video. I hope you enjoy today's video! For more great videos or to get your questions answered, come join us in The

Working Smarter to Help Children with Speech and Language Skills

Learn how to reduce burn-out and stress whether you're a speech therapist or a parent of a child with speech and language delays.  (Episode 55 of the Speech and Language Kids Podcast) Manage Your Time Parents: Break practice sessions up into small chunks.  5 minutes in the morning

9 Tips for Fighting Burnout for Speech-Language Pathologists

Why did you get into speech therapy in the first place? Was it for the money? I doubt that. Was it for the fame? Yeah…right… No, I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that it was probably because you love helping people. You love that