
Resource Type:


  • how do I get funding for an aac device

AAC Evaluations and Funding: How to Get an AAC Device for a Child

AAC Evaluations and Funding: How to Get an AAC Device for a Child AAC is great!  But how on earth are you supposed to get one for a child?  Never fear!  Andrea from Forbes AAC is here!  Andrea joined us live and walked us through how to navigate

Boosting Reading Skills for Children with Dyslexia: 5 Tips from SLPs

Boosting Reading Skills for Children with Dyslexia: 5 Tips from SLPs Dyslexia is a specific learning disability that is neurobiological in origin. It is characterized by difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition and by poor spelling and decoding abilities. These difficulties typically result from a deficit in

Language Therapy for Autistic Children

Language Therapy for Autistic Children: Where do you even start when doing speech therapy with a child with autism or other complex communication delays? Rose Griffin joined us live on August 21st to share her 5 tips for using systematic language instruction to get started with these children.

  • how to collect a language sample

How to Collect a Language Sample

How to Collect a Language Sample Anyone here dread collecting a language sample?  Leia Knight from Language for the Playground joined us LIVE to share 5 quick and easy tips for eliciting a language sample.  #speechieshow Join the Hub to Access (Free Trial)

Parent & Caregiver Training in Early Intervention Speech Therapy

Parent & Caregiver Training in Early Intervention Speech Therapy SLPs get lots of clinical experience, but so much of working with infants and toddlers is about parent and caregiver education! This is often a skill we learn on the job... let's talk strategy! Ayelet joined us live to

  • 5 inferencing activities for speech therapy

5 Inferencing Activities for Speech Therap

5 Inferencing Activities for Speech Therapy An inference is when you use clues present (in text or in real life) along with your background knowledge to make a guess about something that's not explicitly known. For example, if you see an "out of order" sign, you can use

  • helping a child learn to use an aac device

Helping a Child Learn to Use an AAC Device to Communicate

Helping a Child Learn to Use an AAC Device to Communicate Having trouble figuring out how to teach an AAC device or system to a child?  Susan Berkowitz joined us LIVE on The Speechie Show to share her 5 tips for AAC implementation.  Check it out!  #speechieshow

  • school wide supports for children with communication challenges

School-Wide Supports for Children with Communication Challenges

School-Wide Supports for Children with Communication Challenges Are you getting too many referrals?  Perhaps many children in your school have low communication skills and could use a little boost.  Instead of putting them all through the special education process, try implementing a school-wide communication program that will help

How to Teach Core Words on AAC Devices

How to Teach Core Words on AAC Devices Having trouble teaching a new core word button to a child with AAC?  Denise Ferremi from Speech Language Pirates joined us on The Speechie Show to show us how you can set up multiple activities and opportunities to teach a

Keeping Wiggly Kids Engaged During Circle Time or Large Group Activities

Keeping Wiggly Kids Engaged During Circle Time or Large Group Activities Do you have trouble keeping your wiggly preschoolers engaged during large group activities?  Lisette from Speech Sprouts joined us on The Speechie Show to talk about how to keep those little ones engaged with storybook activities!  #speechieshow

How to Teach Irregular Past Tense Verbs to Children

How to Teach a Child to Use Irregular Past Tense Verbs: In this video, speech-language pathologist Carrie Clark shows you how to teach a child to use irregular past tense verbs. Join the Hub to Access (Free Trial) Sample Goal for

  • Answering Questions about Past Events

Teaching Children to Answer Questions about Past Events

In this video, speech-language pathologist Carrie Clark shows you how to teach a child to answer questions about things that have already happened.  #speechieshow 1.)  Make sure child understands how to answer questions about immediately present Knows what each wh- word means Ask about what they are

  • speech therapy for non-native speakers

Speech Therapy for Non-Native Speaking Students

Speech Therapy for Non-Native Speaking Students Many of us have diverse students on our caseloads.  How do we know if their sound errors are due to second language influences or  a true disorder?   What sounds or processes do we focus on to be successful?  Are there kids

Teaching Children to Recall and Retell Past Events

Teaching Children to Recall and Retell Past Events: Children with communication challenges often have trouble retelling past events.  This may make it hard for them to tell you about something that happened or communicate clearly about past events. In order for a child to be able to retell

Sequencing Activities for Kids | Sequencing Skills

Join the Hub to Access Sequencing Activities for Kids Sequencing is the skill that we use when we break down an event into simple steps and put those steps in order.  We need sequencing skills to talk about something that

  • How to Find the Best Speech Therapy Apps Using Evidence-Based Practice

How to Find the Best Speech Therapy Apps Using Evidence-Based Practice

There are a TON of apps in the app stores that can be used for speech therapy.  How do you know which ones will help and which ones are a waste of time and money?  Jessica Solari from Consonantly Speaking joins us in this video to show us how

  • How to Improve Vocabulary Skills by Teaching Prefixes and Suffixes

How to Improve Vocabulary Skills by Teaching Prefixes and Suffixes

Do you struggle to help expand children's vocabulary skills during speech therapy sessions?  You can't possibly teach a child every word he will ever need.  Instead, you need a strategy that you can teach the child that will help him learn and remember many words.  Kristin Immicke from Talkin'

5 Best Halloween Freebies for Speech Therapy

The first Speechie show is here! In this first episode, Carrie talks about the 5 best Halloween freebies for speech therapy. You can watch the video here: Below are the links to the products that were talked about in the Speechie show: Spooky Speech: Halloween Articulation

What to Do when a Child Won’t Use their AAC Device?

What to Do when a Child Won't Use their AAC Device? What do you do if the child you're working with isn't interested in using his AAC system or device?  In this video, I'm answering a question about a boy who won't use his AAC device and sharing my

Free Communication Apps: Low-Cost AAC Options

Free Communication Apps: Low-Cost AAC Options There are many communication apps and augmentative/alternative communication (AAC) systems to help people communicate who are having trouble speaking.  Although an AAC device should not be chosen specifically based on price, sometimes you just need some inexpensive options so you have SOMETHING