
Resource Type:


  • Speech and Language Kids Podcast

Speech Therapy for Toddlers and Late Talkers: Podcast 8

Click Here to Check Out My E-Book for Jump Starting Late Talkers The topic of this episode is "Help!  My Child isn't talking yet!"  This episode will give you information about speech therapy for toddlers at home and what you can do to jumpstart your late talkers.  And

Sign Language for Toddlers with Speech Delay: Does it Help?

Sign Language for Toddlers with Speech Delay: Does it Help? There is much confusion in the world of parenting about using sign language with your child.  Research has shown that teaching sign language to young children is beneficial to all children, whether they have speech and language delays

Book Review: My Toddler Talks

When Kimberly Scanlon emailed me about reviewing her book I immediately went and checked out her website at and I was very excited at what I found!  Kimberly, a speech-language pathologist from New Jersey, has created a website for her private practice that has great speech and language

  • Working Speech and Language Skills Into Meal Time

Working on Speech and Language During Meals

Are you interested in working on your child's speech and language skills but don't have the time to do it?  Here are some fun ways you can work on speech and language during meals and snacks that you have every day! Speech and Language During Meals #1: Request Foods

  • Tips for working speech and language skills into your bedtime routine

How to work speech and language into your bedtime routine

If you’re like most parents of children with speech and language delays, you would probably love to work on your child’s communication skills more but don’t have the time.  Here are some fun ways to work speech and language skills into the bedtime routine you do every day. Bath

  • how to teach kids words vocabulary boosting activities

How to Teach Kids Words: Vocabulary-Building Activities

How to Teach Kids Words: Vocabulary-Building Activities Learn how to teach vocabulary words in a way that is easy and painless! Does your child have vocabulary problems? Does your child have trouble learning new words? Here is the procedure we use in speech therapy for how to teach

How to Help a 3-Year-Old with Speech Delay

How to Help a 3-year-old with Speech Delay: When it comes to speech and language skills, a 3-year-old should have a word for just about everything around him and he should be able to put those words together to make short sentences.  His speech should also be