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Speech Therapy Ideas for Nonverbal/Nonspeakin Autism

Speech Therapy Ideas for Non-Speaking Autistic Children: It's not always easy to know why a child is not yet speaking.  Some children may be late talkers and may catch up on their own without help.  Others may struggle to speak for a long time. Fortunately, we don't have to know

Free Speech and Language Resources

Free Speech and Language Resources Welcome, we're so glad you found us! We have a ton of great free content for just about every different speech and language problem you may encounter. Feel free to browse around and don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions!

Speech Therapy for Non-Verbal Children: Building Functional Communication

Therapy for Non-Speaking Children: How to Boost Functional Communication Skills Do you know a child with autism who isn't able to communicate basic wants and needs?  Does the child lack the social skills to participate in social interactions?  Do you need a guide for how to improve functional communication

Social Skills Activities for Middle Schoolers: Speech Therapy Goals and Ideas

Social Skills Activities for Middle Schoolers: Speech Therapy Goals and Ideas Many of our children with language delays also have trouble with social skills.  This may be due to certain conditions that impair social skills, like autism, or it may just be because these children have trouble learning

Speech Therapy for Autism | Goals and Strategies

What is Autism? According to Autism Speaks, the term "autism" or "autism spectrum disorder (ASD), refers to a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication.  In order to be diagnosed with autism, a child must have each of

Making Inferences For Speech Therapy

How to Help Children Learn to Make Inferences An inference is when you use clues present (in text or in real life) along with your background knowledge to make a guess about something that's not explicitly known. For example, if you see an "out of order" sign, you

Functional Communication: Goals and Speech Therapy Ideas

What is Functional Communication? Functional communication refers to the most basic of communication skills. This type of communication gets one's basic wants and needs known, such as "I want that", "I am hurt", or "I need to use the bathroom". These are not complex

  • aac resource page

The Ultimate AAC Resource Page

What is Augmentative/Alternative Communication (AAC)? AAC stands for augmentative/alternative communication and describes any mode of communication that is not speaking with your mouth.  This may involve pointing to or exchanging pictures, using sign language, using an AAC device that will speak a message when the user

Speech Therapy for Autism: Activities, PDFs, and Info

Speech Therapy for Autism: Activities, PDFs, and Info Autism, also called Autism Spectrum Disorder, is a diagnosis that describes a group of children with a common cluster of symptoms, though the degree of severity for each of those symptoms varies widely from child to child. These symptoms include