Social Awareness: How to Teach Problem Solving and Perspective Taking

Presented by: Carrie Clark M.A., CCC-SLP

Live Webinar!

June 28th, 2024
10:00 AM CST


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This webinar will explain how to teach children of all ages (preschool through high school) to take the perspective of others and solve problems in daily life. We will focus on the communication tools and strategies that we can use to navigate disagreements, repair communication breakdowns, solve problems in daily living, regulate emotions, and speak up for one’s needs. This webinar will provide functional therapy activities that can be used to teach these skills along with carry-over and generalization strategies to ensure students are able to use them throughout their day.

Learner Objectives:

By the end of this webinar, you will be able to…

  • Define social awareness, perspective taking, and problem solving
  • Describe how to teach perspective taking and theory of mind
  • Describe how to teach a child a framework for solving problems
  • List the three steps to teaching problem solving
  • Describe therapy activities for teaching the following problem-solving skills: navigating disagreements, repairing communication breakdowns, solving problems in daily living tasks, regulating emotions, and advocating for one’s needs


Carrie Clark, CCC-SLP

Carrie Clark is the founder and owner of Speech and Language Kids, a website that is focused on the pediatric side of speech-language pathology. Carrie has been in the profession for 13 years and has experience working in early intervention, school early childhood education, private practice, and teletherapy. Carrie has worked with children of all ages and of all ability levels. Carrie’s super power is taking complex topics and breaking them down into easy-to-follow step-by-step plans. She also loves the challenge of trying to solve a problem.

Through her membership program, The Speech and Language Kids Hub, Carrie is able to help thousands of speech-language pathologists by digging through the research on various speech-language pathology topics or therapies and creating quick and simple resources that break it all down. Carrie and her team further support their members by answering questions in the exclusive member groups and brainstorming ideas and solutions for tough cases and situations.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Speech and Language Kids is NOT an ASHA-approved CE provider so we cannot offer you CEUs for this course. However, we are able to allow you to print of a certificate of completion for professional development hours (PDH). ASHA will allow you to use these types of PDHs for all 30 of your continuing education hours, you just have to fill out a form at the end of your certification cycle to state which PDHs you attended.   You will also need to save and store your own certificates.  We do not keep track of those for you.

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Yes! We record our webinars and you can watch them after the fact. You can also still print off your certificate of completion for continuing education credit after watching the recording.   Click on the button at the top of the page to join the membership and RSVP so you’ll be notified when the recording is available.

Yes!  This webinar is exclusively for members of Speech and Language Kids Hub.  Join today and you’ll get access to this webinar along with all of our other courses and resources.

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