How to Reduce Mumbling in Children:
So what do you do with the child who knows how to say all of her sounds correctly but in conversational speech she mumbles and doesn’t articulate well? That was the exact question I got from a reader this week and I thought it was a great one to share with the group! This is article is written from the perspective of a parent, but this is a problem that can be addressed by a speech-language pathologist, a classroom teacher, or a parent. Make sure that you complete each of these steps but be patient, each step may take many sessions or even weeks to master. Practice makes perfect!!
1. Mumbling Awareness
Tell your child that you want to talk to him about mumbling. Ask first if he knows what it means to mumble. If he can give you a good definition, then you’re already on your way! If not, tell him that when people mumble, they don’t say all of their sounds right so it’s hard to understand them. They might talk to quietly, leave sounds out, slur words together, etc. Basically, define mumbling for your child by describing what he does when he is mumbling. Tell your child you’re going to play a game where he has to tell you if you are mumbling or not. For this, you may want to write some sentences on cards beforehand so you don’t run out of things to say. On each turn, read a sentence for your child. Speak very articulately on some sentences and on others mumble it all together. If your child bores of this quickly, you could play a board game while you do this and do one sentence before each turn in the game. Practice this until your child can identify when your sentences are mumbled or not. To make it more fun, you could even give your child a buzzer (like from the game Taboo) or a bell and have him sound it every time you are mumbling.
2. Mumbling Practice
Now it’s your child’s turn. Have your child practice reading sentences using mumbled speech or not-mumbled speech. Give the not-mumbled speech a name like “clear speech”, “good speech” or “articulate speech”. If your child is too young to read, show your child pictures (such as photos you’ve taken, photos from the internet, or photos from catalogs/magazines) and have her create a sentence about what’s happening in the picture. Before your child says her sentence, tell her to either use her mumbled speech or clear speech (or whatever you’re calling it). Keep practicing this until your child is able to speak sentences clearly on command. If your child is having trouble with this step, you may want to back up and try just saying single words or simple phrases like “my ball” with clear speech. Then, you can work your way up to having your child speak longer phrases and sentences clearly.
3. Create a Cue to Reduce Mumbling
Now that your child knows how to produce clear speech on command, you need to create a visual cue that you can use to remind your child when he starts mumbling. For younger children, try using a picture cue like a picture of a boy speaking or a mouth. Tell your child that when you show him this cue, he needs to remember to use his clear speech. For an older child, invite him to think of a good cue with you. Tell him that you want to come up with a visual cue that you can give him to remind him not to mumble that won’t embarrass him if he’s in front of other people. Ask him what he thinks the cue should be first. If he can’t think of anything, offer up some suggestions like touching your mouth, pulling on your ear, or raising your eyebrows. Try to make it something that anyone could do so that you can easily transfer this to other adults in your child’s life, like teachers (example, touching the necklace you always wear won’t be an effective cue for your child’s male teacher).
4. Practice Using the Cue to Fix Mumbling
Sit down with your child and tell her you’re going to practice using the cue. Remind your child that every time she sees the cue, it means she’s mumbling and she needs to use her clear speech. Tell her that she can catch you mumbling as well using the same cue (make sure you do some mumbling also so it doesn’t seem like you’re just picking on her). If your child is pretty talkative, you can have her just tell you about something that happened recently. Some popular topics are “what did you do at recess today?” or “tell me about your last birthday party”. If your child doesn’t readily start conversations with you, try having her read you a simple book or describe what’s happening in pictures. Every time your child starts to mumble, use the cue. At first, your child may not always catch the cue so you can give gentle reminders like “oh look, I’m doing the cue!”. After a while, your child shouldn’t need you to say anything, you should just be able to use it silently.
5. Generalize the Cue to Speaking Clearly in Conversation
Now that your child understands the cue, tell him you’re going to start using it other places. Use it every once in a while around the house when you hear him mumbling and see if he picks up on it. Just like in the last step, you may have to point it out at first until he gets used to looking for it. You don’t need to use it every time he mumbles because you don’t want him to get frustrated or mad at you, but just start off slow and build your way up. Once it is successful for you, you can also start teaching other adults in your child’s life to do this. You can show teachers, other parents/grandparents, caregivers, etc. Teachers will be especially grateful to have a technique that they can use to get your child to speak more clearly without embarrassing him in front of his classmates.
As I said before, be patient because each of these steps may take a while to master. The key is to try to keep it fun and not make it feel like you’re punishing your child for doing something wrong. You just want to make it easier for others to understand her! You can even talk to her about why she thinks it might be important to not mumble and have an open discussion about the benefits of speaking clearly. I know it sounds cheesy, but sometimes children really just need to talk through something with an adult to guide their discovery. I hope this helps, thanks to my reader who emailed me this question. I am always looking for topics to write new articles about so please use my contact page and send me your pressing speech and language questions!
Mumbling No-Prep Therapy Kit:

About the Author: Carrie Clark, MA CCC-SLP
Hi, I’m Carrie! I’m a speech-language pathologist from Columbia, Missouri, USA. I’ve worked with children and teenagers of all ages in schools, preschools, and even my own private practice. I love digging through the research on speech and language topics and breaking it down into step-by-step plans for my followers.
Fun Fact: In my spare time (HA!) I also lead my son’s cubscouts den. I was definitely not the scouting type as a kid (I was scared of bugs), so it’s a bit of a learning curve. But we’re a part of a super supportive pack so we have a lot of fun!
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[…] here for the […]
[…] once or twice in your life and had no trouble understanding them, but now think of a quiet child, perhaps a mumbler. Any difficulty there? The answer is likely yes. Volume, particularly low volume, can greatly […]
My teenage daugter talks fast and mumbles alot how should she Do to correct this
Hello! I would say go over these steps with her and see if she is willing to try them with you. If these are too simple or childish for her, you may need to find a speech therapist in your area to help her. Just make sure she understands why it is important not to mumble. If she’s not motivated to change it then she won’t work to improve it!
Here is a comment I received about this article via my contact form. I think it has some more great ideas in it to try:
I can appreciate what you have to say about mumbling It is an issue that really needs to be addressed and is usually easy to overcome. There are also some other things I would like to suggest as well. I have found that many times children mumble, stutter, or sometimes even talk too fast so it is jumbled, because they do not have the attention of the person they are speaking to, or are not really listened to when they speak. It makes them feel insignificant, and unsure of themselves. It takes a concerted effort on the part of parent, teacher, tutor, or other adults significant in their lives to stop what they are doing, turn to face the child making eye contact and listening to what they say. This is extremely important I feel. Teaching them good communication skills should carry over into adulthood. Several of the students I have had also had problems ‘listening’ because of the role models they have had in the past, and so we also included not only turning and making eye contact but after hearing the person speak, reply back, “This is what I heard you say(repeating what you heard), is that what you meant?” Or, “You spoke so soft, I am not sure I heard you correctly, is this what you said?” This works well with children with attention deficit disorder as well… Thank you for addressing this concern…I am sure many parents and other adults are helped by your words.
My 30 month old toddler will say something clearly, but too softly for me to hear- usually when asking for something such as a drink or food or help with a toy. When I say that I didn’t heat her and ask she repeat herself, then she mumbles.
And the mumbling gets worse each time I ask her to repeat more clearly. I turn her to face me, I get down on my knees to be at her eye level, and I try to explain that I cant help her if she doesn’t speak clearly. Then I try to get her to use sign language- we don’t know a lot of signs but I try to get her to use the ones we know if they seem appropriate.
This exchange usually ends with her refusing to look me in the eye and starting to whine, then I get frustrated and start pulling various things out of the fridge or pointing to different toys until she responds to anything.
Basically, I have to hear her correctly the first or not at all. She does this with any adult she is speaking to- my husband, her grandfather, her day care teacher.
Should I try this method? I worry she may perceive it as confrontational which she seems to have trouble with. I really don’t know what to do.
Hi Sherry! That’s a tough one! Typically, I would use this procedure with a slightly older child. It does seem that your daughter does not respond well to the confrontational approach. Without meeting your daughter, I don’t have any specific recommendations for what will work well for her, but I have used this strategy in the past with some children who have trouble with volume: I’ve used positive reinforcement when the child says something loud enough to be heard and try to decrease the amount of attention I gave to the times when the child was not speaking loudly enough. I’ve also tried playing games where the objective is to make sounds (or speech) that are either very loud or very quiet. For example, we might draw cards or spin a spinner that say either “loud” or “quiet” and then we have to make an animal sound or say a word using that type of voice. This helps the child understand the difference between loud and quiet and helps the child to become more confident using a loud voice at times. If the child is resistant to that activity, I may start with a toy or object that makes loud and quiet sounds, like musical instruments, drums, noise makers, etc. Then, we’ll practice making loud noises with those objects for a while until the child is comfortable being loud. I hope some of those ideas help you, good luck!
I have this exact same problem with my 3 year old son. He is a twin to a very dominant sister who usually either speaks for him or interrupts him constantly.
He LOVES to sing and his pronunciation of words is way more clear when he does this so I’ve been trying to get him to sing words instead of speaking them and it has seemed to help some. We’ve only been doing it for a couple of weeks.
Well I hope the steps I listed here will help!
What would you suggest as an alternative to a visual cue? My 11 year old son is on the Autism Spectrum and although all the other sites of this article seem like they will work well for him, it is unlikely he would notice a visual cue in conversation since eye contact is rare. I’ve thought we could perhaps touch him on the shoulder, or make a sound, like a snap? Neither of those seem perfect. Any other ideas?
Yes, I think something tactile (like a touch) would be best. He could easily ignore a sound too unless he happens to tune in well to sound. You could also just quietly say his name if that would be better.
Steps* not sites, sorry.
I really like the idea of using a cue to help remind my child to speak clearly. Lately, I’ve noticed that my son has trouble with speaking, mumbling in particular. Having something that is creative and can remind him to clear his speech may be a good thing we can do at home. My husband and I have also talked about setting him up with a speech therapist.