Sign Language for Toddlers with Speech Delay: Does it Help?
There is much confusion in the world of parenting about using sign language with your child. Research has shown that teaching sign language to young children is beneficial to all children, whether they have speech and language delays or not. Let me first discuss why it’s a good idea, and then I will go into how to do it.
Using Sign Language, The Research:
- According to a research review by Millar and Light, the current research provides evidence that using alternative communication means (such as sign language) does not prevent children with developmental disabilities from talking and may actually support their ability to speak.
- Millar and Light also found that using alternative communication (such as sign language) can help older children learn to communicate as well as younger children.
- A Study by Capirici, Cattani, et. al. found that learning sign language could actually improve cognition (intelligence) in typically-developing, hearing children.
Using Sign Language, What The Research Means:
This means that teaching baby sign language with your child will help him develop his language skills and it will not prevent him from speaking. When a child uses sign language, they are able to develop their language system even before they are able to speak. This actually gives them a head start on communicating until their mouth and speech system can catch up. This means that typical children as young as 9 months can begin communicating and learning language, a whole three months before children who must rely on their ability to speak to communicate (typically begins at 12 months).
As for children with speech and language delays, using sign language will allow them to begin communicating before they are able to speak as well. For some children, this is the push they need to begin speaking. This is often true for children with autism. Once these children learn the power of communication (through the use of signs), they often are more motivated to communicate through speech since they now realize what will happen when they communicate.
Using Sign Language: How To Do It:
“Ok, I’m convinced, sign language would be a great way to improve my child’s language and speech skills, but how do I teach her?” Follow the steps outlined below to help your child learn the signs for common words.
1. Choose sign language signs to use when you talk to your child
You don’t have to sign every word you speak, I suggest you choose a selection of words that you want to learn and just sign those when they come up in conversation. I suggest selecting words that are common first words in typically-developing children. These will be easier for your child to learn. Here is my list of suggested first words to sign for your child, though feel free to switch out different words if you feel like there are other things your child would be highly motivated by:
- Nouns: dog, cat, bird, shoe, shirt, pants, cookie, cracker, apple, bed, table, chair, potty, sink, bathtub, car, bike, truck, cup, spoon, bowl, boy, girl, baby, ball, bubble, block, slide, marker, glue
- Social Words: no, stop, all done, all gone, away, more, again, this, that, my, your
- Action Words: go, up, down, eat, throw, sit, open, get, put, help
- Descriptors: big, little, dirty, clean, wet, dry, here, there, on, in
2. Learn the sign language signs for the words you selected
Here’s a video which shows all of my top first words:
You can also download the photo flashcards of these words by clicking this link: Click here to download the sign language flashcards for free!
This will allow you to download a set of flashcards, one for each of the words above, with a picture of the word as well as pictures of the sign on the back. There are also many online resources for learning sign language. One of my favorites is an online dictionary at This website has a great library of signs to learn.
Don’t get stressed about making sure you’re doing “baby sign language” as opposed to “American Sign Language”. The only difference between the two is that “baby sign language” modifies some of the ASL signs to be easier for babies to do. Just use regular American Sign Language signs and if your child gets close to making the sign correctly, go ahead and accept it!
3. Use sign language when speaking to your toddler with a speech delay
Like I said before, you don’t need to sign every word you speak, just signs the ones you have learned. You can sign these words by themselves when you’re showing the object or action to your child, or you can sign them when you say the word in a sentence. I recommend you do some of both. You’ll want to do this for a while before you expect your child to sign back. If you’re doing this with a typically-developing baby, you can begin signing to her as soon as she’s born, just like you talk to her. The sooner you start, the quicker she will learn.
4. Once you’ve been signing to your child for a while, you can start helping him sign back to you
I recommend you don’t try doing this until your child is at least 10 months old. That’s when his motor skills will probably be good enough to form the signs. When you are offering something to your child, hold it up to show your child but don’t give it to him yet. Ask him what he wants and pause for a minute to see if he will say or sign it first. If not, show him the sign and say the word out loud. Pause again and see if he imitates you. If not, take his hands and help him make the sign. Then, immediately reward him by giving him the object or action just as if he had said it. Keep doing this and eventually, he may begin to imitate the signs on his own instead of needing you to move his hands for him.
Teaching baby sign language doesn’t have to be difficult or stressful, just learn new signs as you have time and start working them into your daily routine. Again, if you are looking for sign language pictures that you can download, check out our store here:

About the Author: Carrie Clark, MA CCC-SLP
Hi, I’m Carrie! I’m a speech-language pathologist from Columbia, Missouri, USA. I’ve worked with children and teenagers of all ages in schools, preschools, and even my own private practice. I love digging through the research on speech and language topics and breaking it down into step-by-step plans for my followers.
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[…] ** Make sure you do this while your child is already engaged with you (usually because he wants something you have or wants you to perform a certain action, like tickling or hugging him). If you try to do this when he’s not interested in engaging, it will just become a battle. For more tips on using sign language, visit my page here! […]
This video was so helpful! I will be using these signs everyday with my students. Thanks, Carrie!
Excellent! Glad you like it! Let me know what other stuff you need, Emily!
I had no idea that around 10 months old is when a child develops motor skills. I think that you are right and that it would be very difficult to speak sign language with a younger child who was not ready to use their hands fully. I’ll have to consider that in the future when interacting with deaf friends and family. Thanks for the awesome information about sign language!
Absolutely! Glad you enjoyed the information!
Hi. I have been struggling to find ways for my child to learn to speak and I think this is going to be a great help! Thank you for posting this. I shall try this today and let you know soon our progress! I’m excited.
Excellent!! I’m so glad this will help you!
I agree with you from personal experience that using sign language with a child with developmental disabilities can actually improve their abilities to speak. My cousin had a speech impediment and had extreme anxiety when it came to communicating with others. After learning a few signs we would talk for a long time. Once I had broke down his barriers, he began trying to speak more and his speech improved immensely!
Yay! So glad this worked for you guys as well!
Thank you for sharing this wonderful article. My daughter who will be turning 3 soon, struggles with expressive communication. Her hearing has been checked and she hears well. There are so many misconceptions surrounding American Sign Language, due to unawareness and uninformed people.
Thank you for this article. Very helpful in my research about Speech Therapy Methods. I just wanted to ask when did you write this article?
Hi, Naomi-Carrie originally posted this article in 2013. Please let me know if you need anything else.
My name is Erlinda and I have a 19 year old son with Down syndrome with significant bilateral hearing loss.He used to sign and we learned from him.But currently his speech and language pathologist and deaf and hard of hearing teacher does not know how to sign.I am afraid the sign language my son used to learn will be forgotten since the district can not provide that service even though I considered it as my concern this last February 1 IEP Please help me. Thank you.
Hi, Erlinda -Thank you so much for reaching out. Unfortunately, we get a ton of questions every day about how to solve specific speech/language problems. Since we have such a small staff, we aren’t able to answer every question that comes through on the website, social media, or via email. If you are a parent, we suggest you reach out to a local speech-language pathologist who can work with your child directly and answer your question.
If you are another speech-language professional, we have created a membership where we pay a full staff to answer questions like this on a regular basis. We would be more than happy to answer your question inside the membership program. We’re able to answer more questions in here because we have a full library of questions that we’ve already answered so our staff can either link you to the answer if it exists, or write you a custom response if needed. We’d love to see you inside the membership!
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I am an SLP and have a client who is so concerned about her son. He primarily uses a mix of baby sign and ASL to communicate (he is 18 months and has approximately 20+ signs). His mom is so worried that he will continue to rely on sign to communicate and she wants him to speak. How do I reassure her?
Hi, Sarah – Thank you so much for reaching out. Unfortunately, we get a ton of questions every day about how to solve specific speech/language problems. Since we have such a small staff, we aren’t able to answer every question that comes through on the website, social media, or via email. If you are a parent, we suggest you reach out to a local speech-language pathologist who can work with your child directly and answer your question.
If you are another speech-language professional, we have created a membership where we pay a full staff to answer questions like this on a regular basis. We would be more than happy to answer your question inside the membership program. We’re able to answer more questions in here because we have a full library of questions that we’ve already answered so our staff can either link you to the answer if it exists, or write you a custom response if needed. We’d love to see you inside the membership!
Click Here to Become a Member:
Id love to know how the research was conducted, as a linguist and polygot speaker (9 languages plus sign language) – I have actually noticed that hearing children can be delayed in speech because they think that normal speech is the sign and since few people know how to do it outside of a family unit and in daycares …, they stay more silent. Especially if children are allowed to use pacifiers, because they have something in their mouth and no need to really make sounds to communicate… my 2 cents ….
Obviously children are individuals so to each his own method, but let’s use some common sense above all !
Excellent thank you so much.
the signs for pig and dirty are two distinctly different signs , not the same. The sign for pig, is a 4 hand shape with the knuckles of your 4 hand against your chin. the hand remains stationary, while only the fingers wiggle. The sign for dirty is as you indicate . It is a disservice to teach children that these two signs are the same. Just wanted to throw that out there. !
Im sorry, the fingers in the sign for pig move level to chin, then back down to point to floor, and then the movement repeats.
the sign for dirty wiggles the fingers. its harder to explain than demonstrate! LOL.
really enjoyed your video I am new to sign and I am going to download the ebook