Child/Baby not Responding to Name:
Many parents worry when their baby or toddler is not responding to his name. A child may be ignoring you when you call his name for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, it is just because the child isn’t tuned in to what’s going on around them. Sometimes, it is because they aren’t developing social skills as we would expect. Either way, we can work with a child/baby to help them learn to respond to their name.
Children with significant social delays, such as those with autism, often don’t respond to their name when called. This makes it difficult for adults to get their attention or call them away from what they’re doing. It also makes it difficult for them to participate in social interactions with peers as they may not be aware that someone else is talking to them.
However, not all children who struggle with this have autism! There are many symptoms of autism that must be present before that diagnosis can be made. Children without autism can also have difficulty with this, especially if they have significant communication delays or cognitive delays. These steps will help you increase a child’s ability to respond to his name.
Checking Hearing for Children and Babies who Aren’t Responding to their Names:
The first thing you will want to do with a baby, toddler, or child who isn’t responding to his name, is to check his hearing. Many times, hearing loss can be missed in young children and can be the primary reason that a child is not responding. Have the child’s hearing checked before moving on with any of these steps.
How to Help a Child/Baby Not Responding to Their Name:
A speech-language pathologist can help a child improve their social communication skills, including responding to their name. If you are concerned about your child’s social development, speak with your child’s doctor about seeing a speech-language pathologist in your area. In the meantime, caregivers and speech-language pathologists can follow these steps to help a child, baby, or toddler respond to his/her name. You may also want to check out this resource on helping a child respond to voices.
1. Respond to Name in Isolated Setting
The first thing we must do is teach the child to respond to his name when there are very few distractions. For this you will need to go to an area with few distractions for the child. This may be at the kitchen table or in a room that doesn’t have many toys or fun things going on. If you are in a therapy space, cover up the toys and games with sheets draped over the shelving.
Sit down with the child in this isolated environment. Make sure you have something to reward the child with, such as a favorite toy, favorite food, or a hug and a tickle if your child likes that. Wait until the child is looking away from you and then say his name. If he looks at you, reward him with whatever you’ve chosen. If he doesn’t look at you, say his name again louder and make some sort of commotion like waving or tapping the table. Keep doing this until he looks over at you. Reward him with what you’ve chosen. Each time you reward him, make sure you tell him what you’re rewarding him for. Say “you heard your name, good looking!”. Keep doing this and make sure you try just saying his name first and then only resort to waving or tapping if he doesn’t respond.
Keep doing this until the child will look at you when you say his name about 80% of the time in this isolated setting (few distractions). At that point, you will be ready to move on to the next step. Keep in mind that shorter, more frequent sessions work best to work on this skill as he may quickly tire of looking at you every time he hears his name. Work on this a few times throughout the day for a few minutes each time.
2. Respond to Name in a Structured Setting
Now that the child can respond to his name with no distractions around, we want to increase the amount of distractions slightly and see how he does.
The next time you are ready to work on this skill, sit down with the child in a location that has more distractions than the last one. Go into a room where there are more toys or in the living room where there is a TV. Do the same activity from the last step where you say his name and reward him if he looks at you. If he doesn’t look at you, say his name again louder and make some sort of commotion that will catch his attention. Then, reward him when he does look at you. This may be harder for him now that there are more distractions. Make sure that you give him a moment to play between each time you try this. You want to make sure that he is focused on something else when you call his name so that he is actually practicing bringing himself out of what he’s doing instead of simply continuing to look at you once his focus is already on you.
Keep doing this until the child will look at you when you say his name about 80% of the time. By the time you’re ready to move on, you shouldn’t need to wave and cause a commotion to catch the child’s attention. He should be able to respond to just his name. Keep in mind, most children will struggle to bring their attention away from something that they are super interested in. That’s to be expected! So you don’t have to go for perfection.
3. Respond to Name in an Unstructured Setting
Once the child can respond to you when he’s sitting down to work on it, we want to increase his ability to respond to his name at any time.
Wait until the child is busy doing something, such as playing with a toy or looking at a book. Stand relatively close to the child and say his name. Pause for a moment to see if he looks at you. If he does, go ahead and reward him just like you did in the last steps. Make sure you tell him “good looking” so he knows why he’s being rewarded. If he doesn’t look at you, keep getting louder and more obnoxious until he does look at you. Go ahead and reward him for looking. Keep doing this until you are able to back off of how loud and obnoxious you make it. Eventually we want him to respond to just his name without needing you to catch his attention first. Keep in mind that we’re not expecting perfection and even children without language problems don’t respond to their names every time it is called. As the child gets better at this, start calling his name from farther and farther away. Eventually, the child should be able to respond even if you say his name from another room. You will need to increase your volume though for this one.
Keep doing this in a variety of settings and with a variety of people until the child is responding to his name most of the time. Keep in mind that even children who have no difficulty with social skills sometimes don’t respond to their own name, especially if they are very into whatever they are doing.
Additional Resources for a Child/Baby who is Not Responding to his/her Name:
We have a ton of great resources on helping build communication skills in children. Check out our most popular resources for working with children or babies who are not responding to their names:
Free Therapy Materials for Teaching Early Communication:
Check out the freebies that we have inside our Free Therapy Material Library! Many of them are perfect for babies and toddlers who are struggling to communicate with those around them.

How to Initiate Interactions with Peers (Social Story)

Social Skill Groups Planning Forms and Samples

Self-Calming Visual Aids

About the Author: Carrie Clark, MA CCC-SLP
Hi, I’m Carrie! I’m a speech-language pathologist from Columbia, Missouri, USA. I’ve worked with children and teenagers of all ages in schools, preschools, and even my own private practice. I love digging through the research on speech and language topics and breaking it down into step-by-step plans for my followers.
Fun Fact: I’m trying really hard to be a gardener. I’ve been attempting to grow my own food for years now with varying levels of success. I’ve successfully grown oddly-shaped pumpkins, tiny strawberries, and a few tomatoes. I’ve unintentionally killed a lemon tree and a turmeric plant, though the turmeric plant managed to miraculously come back to life a few months later. I’d say I’m well on my way!
Connect with Me:
My kid does not respond to her name when called.
Follow the steps listed above and/or talk with a speech-language pathologist.
@ Sudharsanam, How old is your Kid?
Hi..I want to Know how is your child doing 28 months son is also not responding.i am very much worried
Mam, my son also not responding. We did above steps for last 2 months, no results. How is your kid now?.Hope God’s grace he is OK now.
Is ur child responding now??
Ma’am ..did ur child responding now, I also have same problem with my daughter 3 yrs? Kindly contact in 9448222296
My daughter is only 16 months but doesn’t respond to her name or talk. She only says jibberish not even mama. I looked into it and contacted early intervention. My state pays if insurance won’t so it doesn’t cost anything. They set up an evaluation with professionals that were really great. After the evaluation they said she qualified for further help and they reccomend it for her. We have a meeting to set up sessions. That’s as far as we’ve gotten so far. I will work on these steps in the mean time. Look up early intervention in your area. I hope this helps.
Hi Alexis, your case sounds just like my nephew. Did you get any feedback from intervention services?
Hi Alexis, where are you located
How is your daughter doing now ? Is she talking and responding?
Hi,it happen same like you can you tell me how is your daughter did she respond please I’m so worried can email thank you.
I am so worried about my son, he is 2yrs and 3months. He was talking when he was 10months and suddenly stopped talking after his first year birthday. Now he picks on very little words like Bye, Mama, Dad.
He is also resistant to answering his name but when called louder he responds.
Me too have same problem …my daughter is 2 now..she is also not responding my words
I just wanted to comment that every single state in the United States has an Early Intervention program. It is a federal mandated law (IDEA Part C) that it is offered for evaluations. I work for the Infant Toddler Program of NC. you can get an evaluation to determine eligibility and further evaluation by a speech therapist. You do not have to have the pediatrician make the referral to this program. Just look up Early Intervention in your state.
I always recommend a hearing test for any speech delay children. Just to rule it out especially if the child is not making progress with intervention. I recommend seeing an audiologist for that. There are different hearing losses -brain to ear (Auditory neuropathy) is not detected by simple testing in the pediatrician office. Also, Early Intervention will be looking at all areas of a child’s
development. Many times I see children have delays in other areas besides just speech, not all the time, but i see it often. EI Program only serves children birth to three but there is IDEA Part B , again a Federal law for children 3-5.
Hi, is ur daughter responding now?How is she doing. Please let me know
Hi, trying to connect with you… But not able to..
Please call on 8800733553
I too have same issues with my kid.
Just want to know howz ur child now
Please reply unga son name response panrakala
My 18 month old doesn’t respond to his name. Also he doesn’t point at things and he doesn’t pretend play. Sometimes when he gets mad he hits his head on wall but not all the time. I am really worried.
Gary, please speak with your child’s doctor about your concerns for your child! I cannot diagnose or help your child over the Internet! It may be nothing but its worth looking into!
My son is the behavior .can u plz tell me is he talking now
Please seek the advice of a speech-language pathologist who can work directly with your child and determine what’s going on.
Just seen your comment about your child not responding to his name and banging his head. My 17 month old is doing this. I noticed you post this a couple if years ago. Hope you dont think im being cheeky just wondering how your child got on?
I’m curious also, my son is doing the same
Your baby respond name
My baby not response name but 50 words speaking
What happened with your son? My 16 month old son does not respond to much. You can call him and his head does not turn. He’s getting tested for everything. So we will see what comes. Good luck.
Hi how’s ur son now. Kindly contact 9999072427 and tell
Can you post an update? did you end up seeing a doctor? or did he/she got better at it?
Any update with your child ? Sounds like my 2 year old I’m suspecting autism?
Hi Gary,
My son also same, how is your son now?
Hi Carrie my son will get 3 years old he know abcd colors sing but don’t respond to his name he also make eye contact
Hey there! If you are concerned about your child’s social communication development, you can check with your child’s doctor!
Hi my baby is at 18 moths as well not listening or responding to his name what helped you and how is your child
Your child respond name
Hi Carrie my son will get 3 years old he know abcd colors sing but don’t respond to his name he also make eye contact please can you help me
Hey there! If you are concerned about your child’s social communication development, you can check with your child’s doctor!
Soubds like autism sir
Did you son outgrow head banging and also is he talking and responding now ? Please reply me.
Hi is your son doing well. My son also 17 months now doing same like your son. Please reply
Hi is your son doing well. My son also 17 months now doing same like your son. Please reply about your son how is he now
Hi Gary, what interventions did you use?
My mom was helping me raise my child and she’s called him a nickname that’s stuck but I’m afraid he’s gonna think that’s his name what should I do
Hi there! Since I’m not familiar with your child, I can’t tell you specifically what will work. However, if I was working with a child who was confused about his name, I would probably make sure that everyone around him calls him the correct name and see if he starts to pick up on it.
This was posted last year but I have a similar issue. Only my mother in law won’t call my autisric daughter her real name and my daughter doesn’t know how to say her real name, but she’s watched all day by her grandmother. She went so far as to tell the preschool her nickname “bella” is what she should be called instead of her real name “Mary”. Will she ever learn her real name? She is 3 going on 4. Getting her IEP I learned about the preschool paperwork. Oh and my husband won’t tell his mom she’s wrong to confuse Mary by calling her “bella”. So frustrating!
Oh that sounds so frustrating! Maybe your speech therapist at school can let you know if it’s confusing her or not
My grandson is 20 months, he is not reponding to his name and responds to no any verbal instructions but you can tell the songs he is singing like baa baa black sheep, head shoulder knees and toes etc, he can say good night,. The language and speech services in my country are very expensive…..not sustainability affordable.
Your son response name
My grandson is 19 months old he is very playful.Dances to the music he likes.He does not respond to the strangers when they address him.Most of the time I find him engrossed in his activities and therefore not responding.
Some children are slower to respond than others. If you are concerned about this, you should seek the advice of a speech therapist in your area!
My 15 mo old doesn’t respond to names or point to what he wants. He is very friendly and loving and loves to play when I chase him around. He says mommy but I don’t think he understands what it means or who mommy is. He cannot point when asked where is mommy, daddy, or brother. I can clearly tell there is some developmental delay but I am wondering how much hope there is in him closing the gap on the delay and not having issues later in life
I don’t know your child but I agree that it sounds like there’s something going on. There is a TON of hope for him though if you start him in therapy NOW! Go ahead and take him to a speech-language pathologist. If you are in the United States, your state should have a free program for children aged birth-3 years of age. It is the early intervention program but every state calls it something different. For example, here in Missouri, it’s called the “First Steps” program. Speak with your child’s pediatrician or search the web for your state’s birth-3 early intervention program.
Good luck!!
Hi Zina, my son is the same way. Did you find out anything? Is your son ok now? Please let me know. Thanks
Hi Zina,
Can you post an update please
Any updates? My son is 17 months doing exactly the same.
Hi how’s ur son doing now? Even m facing sane problem with my son. Please reply
Sounds similar to mine. How is yours now?
Hi may i know how is ur Daughter now?
Hi my Daughter have same problem she’s so sweet to please can you tell me what happened did your son respond now can you email me
Hi how is your baby doing now. I can relate your baby’s condition same as mine. Please do reply and tell how ur kid is doing. I’m too worried
I have a new child in my class,
She just turned 2 and dosent respond to her name. She can say a few words but not a lot.
I already tested her hearing . So I dont think that is the issue. I also have the feeling that she dosent really understand
what we are saying 80% of the time.
Thank you for your help
Hey there! I suggest that a child like that get a full speech-language evaluation to determine what exact speech and language delays or problems she is having. Good luck!
my 2.6 years old kid has same problem. Doesn’t responds to his name. His hearing is ok. Understands 50% things of his interests e.g. TV, mobile, chocolate, candies etc. But not follows actions like sit, stand, jumping, waving hands etc. He is not autistic to the best of my knowledge. Pls help
Update about ur son please, I’m have the same situation
Hi.. please let me know how is your kid 2.4 years kid is also doing same. please mail me here and provide your mail I’d.
Greetings. Please I have a similar situation with my daughter who is 2 years 3months. Just wanted to find out if ur child is now OK. Am really worried. Thanks
My granddaughter too will not respond to things the way my children did when they were her age. I have been praying and my daughter in law and son finally agreed to take her to a speech therapist. They advised speech therapy 2x a week, and a hearing test. I can post more later once we have those things done. My kids were jabbering baby-talk and interacting at 10-12 mos. However, my daughter in law says she (and others in her family) didn’t talk until 3.!
How is ur grand daughter doing now. I also have a similar situation with my daughter who is 2years 7 months. I have place her on food supplements like zinc, calcium, omega three( cod liver oil). Thanks.she now babbles a lot and tries taking instructions like toast, kiss kiss and sends her hands to greet me, when I saw so. She loves kids rhymes, music, advertisements on TV. I keep having faith that God Almighty will intervene.
Hi I too had similar problem with my son.. he turned 2 years and dint speak a word nor respond to his name or interact anything with anyone.. he used to play alone all the time.. he used to take me to anywhere if he wanted water or snack.. it was very depressing especially after googling to know other kids his age already speak a 100 words..
But my kind suggestion to u all is dont lose heart.. my son started responding to his name and started singing rhymes, playing with other kids interacting with us all in like a week’s time.. seems like he had it all inside him ..
Unless u really believe there is something out of the normal don’t worry.. any symptom u Google will return u to a autism page.. kids will take time keep interacting with him all of a sudden one day they will start speaking like a miracle..
Thank you! I needed to hear these words!!! In a similar situation, hoping she out grows it <3
You are more than welcome, Tia! Please let us know if you have any questions.
Does your child have screen time at all?
Hi Priya, What age did your son start to speak? Also did he walk tiptoe when he was not speaking, did he every point to what he wanted while looking at you or point to an airplane in the sky while looking at you? We have a 3.2yr old boy who is not talking, not pointing, very worried… Hope you can see my message and respond. Thanks, Manish
Hi, great news.
can you tell us what you did for him and at what age this change happened.
Thank you
Hi Priya, our daughter is also having lots of issues.. we would like to talk to you.. can you please help us out.. we can chat on email or phone.. we are really worried…
Thanks Priya. I needed those words of encouragement. My son is 14 months and doesn’t respond to his name but clearly can hear any sound
My 2 year 3 months old daughter doesnt respond to her nane..makes an eye contact only when she is singing rhymes with me or when she wants anything like jam or water ..she tajes me there n takes my habd tiwards that thing..she has been watching rhymes on youtube since she was six months old n she has learnt each n every rhyme n sings them all the time…but doesnt follow instructions like sit stand go come ..doesnt even look at me when i m instructing her…immitates my gestures only when i sing her fav rhyme n perform actions…she recognises some things n name them only when she is in mood like kitty etc..but not when we ask her to..what to do
My son is 3 today, he has a lot of convulsions since Dec 2021, he have a lot of them each month, he can not point, he can not respond to his name, he can not speak a single word, am so stressed and sick, every time I check the internet they take me to Autism page, he is healthy and active, please tell me more about it, am in Tanzania
Thanks for your positive message. Hope my son also will speak soon.
Dhariya : Are you available for a talk?
Hi Dhariya,
Can we please talk.. we also have same issue with our child and we are really worried.
Is ur son ok now.. plz helpme…
Your son speak
My 2.6 year old son is same like this, please will you reply me, how is your kid now, is everything normal with your kid now, please reply
Unga baby me response panrakala
My 2 year kid not responding to his name and not understanding commands … and he is not even playing with same age kids .. please suggest
Hi there! For your child, I would recommend you get an evaluation with a speech-language pathologist. There could be a delay or disorder going on but I won’t be able to tell you over the web. If you are in the United States, your state dept. of education will provide free screenings and evaluations if needed. Best of luck!
My granddaughter too!
Hi i have my child he is 2 years and 4 mont h he knows the alphabet number colors shapes and some songs but im not sure if he understands me to much he knows when o say lets eat and come give me hug but idk how much he should understand me
Hi there! It’s hard to say exactly what a child is able to understand at that age. I would suggest talking to your child’s doctor to see if he/she has concerns. He/She will know your child’s whole developmental history so they will be able to tell you better than I will!
He is getting development therapy and speech therapy and he did progres little bit but im just little scared if he is gona be able to communicate in a future and thanks
Did therapy helped your son? My son also having similar issues.
Hi mera,
I think my 22 months old is pretty similar to your situation, she knew alphabet, numbers, shapes, colors, animals… when she was around 18 months tough.
How did your child progress since then?
Hey, exactly my son! Can you tell what’s going on now?
Me too have same problem …my daughter is 2 now..she is also not responding my words…did you get any hw is ur child
Hi I have twin daughters , they are 19month old , they don’t respond to there names always ..but overall they look fine .. They try to communicate by pointing sometimes not always , play , like to listen to rhymes , but don’t have many words yet .. Should I be worried and get then evaluated
Hi there! I can’t tell you for sure if your girls are on track or not because I haven’t met them. But if you are concerned, then it’s always worth getting an evaluation to put your mind at ease. Plus, twins have a higher risk for language delays. If you are in the United States, your state education department will have a free evaluation program set up. In Missouri, it’s called “First Steps”. You’ll need to search your state’s dept. of education website for information about your state’s birth-3 years program!
He is getting development therapy and speech therapy and he did progres little bit but im just little scared if he is gona be able to communicate in a future and thanks
Follow the advice of your speech therapist! She’ll know what to do!!
My kid is 16 months she also does not respond to her name at all ,but when we play a video with the low volume also she will respond immediately also she doesn’t point at things and loves to play , I am really worried ,Please suggest
Hi there! If you are concerned about your child’s social interaction skills, I highly recommend speaking with your child’s doctor or a speech-language pathologist in your area!
My kid also facing same issue.
She don’t respond to her name but she respond to lower volume of rhymes also.
Did you do anything for your child?
Please let me know
Hi bobby
How is your child doing now ?
Hey my daughter seen to have the same problem and she’s 24month old now. How’s ur daughter doing now??
Hi, my child has the same issues, doesn’t respond to name but very quickly to the song he knows , how is your child doing?
My 29 month old son is very active and social. He speaks short sentences and is able to communicate with me but he will not respond to his name when called and is t very good at saying hello/goodbyewhen people are greeting him.
Hey there! I believe I spoke with you on Facebook. Some children are very stubborn and don’t want to respond to their name or greet people but still know how to do those things, they’re just choosing not to. I would try to figure out if your child is incapable of those social interaction skills or if he’s just being stubborn. I know mine (25 months) is terribly stubborn and that’s the reason he refuses to greet people! 🙂
Hi, my son is 8 months. He responds to his name half the time. Is that okay? I asked his ped and he says fine for everything but I’m curious. He doesn’t babble much he only says bababa and he says it very low. Any tips?
Here’s what we expect for a 6-month-old. I know your son is a little older than that but not by much so as long as he has met these markers, you’re doing great!
Let him grow uo as a child abd do not make pressure Every Child is different.Gice them time
Hi, my son just turned 15 months but he is not responding to he’s name and does not point at what he wants but he babbles a lot and says daddy but I’m not sure he knows what daddy means. I’m just a little worried.
Hey there! I definitely recommend you check with your child’s doctor or a local speech-language pathologist that can evaluate your child in person! I have no way of knowing over the internet if there is cause for concern or not. It’s always best to get it checked!
Hi Marbella,
My son is the same. Please let me know how is your son doing now??
I m so worried at this point.
Thank you.
My 3 Year Baby she doesn’t respond to her Name. But when i say take chocolate she immediately responds(even she is not facing me). Why she is doing like that. She’s responding to take chocolate but not to her name.
Hi there! I’m sorry your daughter is having trouble responding to her name! Since I haven’t worked directly with your daughter, I cannot say why she does this. I would suggest speaking with your child’s doctor if you are concerned!
My 2.6 years child has same problem. He things of his own interest. like chocolate, candies, tv, mobile, his bicycle etc. Pls help
My 2.6 years child has same problem. He understands things of his own interest. like chocolate, candies, tv, mobile, his bicycle etc. Pls help
Hello Suman,
This is Anjali Garg from Patiala y. Pls share ur email id. want to contact you. My child has same problem as wid yours. Pls help. I am very much worried about him and not able to even sleep in his tension. Pls pls pls help
Hi Dhairya,
I am at Delhi, My son seems to doing same.How we can contact?
Did you see any doctor?
Please let me know, I stay in Noida and my kid is 2.1 months.
Hi Dhariya
Please let us knoe aby update. We are gking through similar. If you could share your email
Unga son name responses panarakala
Hey hi suman
My son is 3 years n has the same problem doesn’t respond to his name . Doesn’t talk
Hi, i have a 19 months old son and he does not respond to his name and also does not speak any word. But he do pin point what he wants and also dance when i play music i dont know if there is something wrong with him.
Here’s what we would expect a 1-year-old to be doing in terms of speech and language skills. I hope this helps:
If you’re concerned, talk to your child’s pediatrician!
My son is 18 months, he does not respond to his name and does not point to what he wants, he loves watching tv and playing in the garden or just walking up and down the house. My question is when should a child respond to his name by?
Children should be responding to their names by 12 months of age. If you’re concerned, speak with your child’s doctor!
Hi Farwa,
How did it go with the doctor? is he better at now?
Hi , i m gojng through same situation..hows ur kid now
my grandson does exactly the same he is 18 months , have you seemed help? how are things going now?
How is your son doing now? Is he responding to his name now?
my 3 year old did respond his name only wen he wants. and he does listen only what he wants with no speach.if I asked him did u pooped. he does even any sign of it. I worried so much pls help..
If you are worried about your son, I recommend that you ask his doctor about it! I cannot say if there’s something wrong over the Internet.
My Son is not responding to his name, but when we sing the song which he likes he will smile and he will see us.
If you are concerned, I highly suggest you speak with your child’s doctor!
Hi jeeva, My child of 18 months is same. How is ur son doing now?.
My Son is four years old, he will respond by his name most of the time. But he he is engaged with so many kids or distractions, he is not responding. His teacher made that as a behavior issue. Please suggest.
Hello! I cannot say what will work best for your child specifically since I’ve not worked with him. Please seek the advice of a speech-language pathologist in your area!
My dd now 28month doesnt respond when being called. She used to respond when shes younger. She spends a lot of time watching youtube on her ipad. Now im worried if she is just delay on speech or if she is autistic.
Hello! The best thing you can do is to get her evaluated by a speech-language pathologist to make sure there are no red flags. And here’s some info on screen time that may be good to look at:
Hello, I am a mother of twin baby boys and now they are 15 months old .. my twin 1 does not respond to his name when called. And he does not pick the things we asked him for. He is very active and he plays , run and listening rhymes. Please suggest..
I’m so sorry you’re concerned! Please speak with your pediatrician if you are concerned about your child’s development in any way. They will be able to help you better than I can over the internet.
Hi , I have 18 months old baby boy and he’s no respond his name and I’m too worried about him, how was your son please let me know if you can
Hi. I have a son who doesn’t respond to his name most of the time. But sometimes he does. He points at things like moon or stars or something or someone when he is being asked and what he knows. But never points at things he wants like his water bottle or food when he is hungry. He takes my hand and places it on the bottle when he needs water. For food he cries. He loves other children and follow and repeat whatever older children do. With younger kids he tries to snatch their toys when they come home. Likes to play with others. And tries to grab attention from strangers when we go to a mall or some place else by waving at them. He waves bye bye when asked to. And doesn’t call mama or Dada. We are worried.
Hello! I’m so sorry you’re worried. The best thing you can do is talk to your child’s doctor and maybe seek out an evaluation from a speech-language pathologist in your area.
Hi Rohini
How is ur son doing know i have someone in my family doing same things booked for early intervention
But that takes Lot of time to get him checked can u respond
My family is really tensed and u know the feeling when we are in this stage
Hi Rohini
This is durga
The same one who posted u now please spare sometime for reply plzz plzz
We are really tensed of the situation and u know how it feels
Hi Durga,
I am also going through same situation.please mail me here and please provide your mail id
Hi rohini,
My baby is 22 month old he is exactly same as ur child. How is ur child doing now?
My son is 3 years 4 months old and isn’t very talkative, pretry much doesn’t talk and doesn’t respond to people when they talk to him unless they have food, money, or toys. However I do notice him say full sentences under his breath but talks to me more in 1 word or 2 word statements. He is very sociable with kids, he is always the star of the show, but very reserved with adults. He will make gestures and point if he wants something. He is not a behavior problem outside a normal 3 year old. He understands everything I say because he does what I ask or responds in disagreement if I say or ask him something he is nit in agreement with. He has hit every milestone for his age except for talking. He is an only child and has never been to day care. Ever since he was an arm baby people have always been in his face trying to get him to talk to where it made me uncomfortable. We moved from the home he was growing up in 5 months ago because of the neighborhood. The 1st 2 years of his life we were in and out of nursing homes and hospitals because both of my husband’s grandmothers passed away within a year of each other and my grandmother passed away 6 months after his 2nd grandmother passed away. So he had very little interaction with other children. Could all of that be a factor? He knows his alphabets, numbers up to 50, colors, shapes, recognizes his name when he sees it, numbers in Spanish up to 10, recognizes certain family members by name in pictures if asked (but will not acknowledge them when he sees them) loves to read books and go through flash cards, loves to sing, dance, ando watch Sesame Street. He will not call me mommy when I am around but he will call my husband dad. But if I am far away holding another baby he will call me mommy then. He does look me in the eye all the time and doesn’t have conversations that I feel a 3 should be able to have. Any advice or am I just a crazy, over the top 1st time mom who has possibly gotten her child’s nerves?
I’m so sorry you’re concerned! It’s very hard for me to say exactly what’s going on since I haven’t worked with him before. I think your best bet would be to share your concerns with your child’s doctor and see what he or she thinks. Then, maybe a referral to a speech-language pathologist would ease your mind!
my son is 23 months old. he imitates our daily works like cooking riding a bike and car. he convey his needs to me by showing those things.he response for mine and my husband commands but he dsnt response for others. he have a gd eyecontact with us but not with others. until v hold his hands in public he will be so gd but when v unhold him he starts run and ask us to run behind him. if we refuse to run he start cry. he dsnt have any sleep prb r any other issues in delivery time. he can build a blocks and put a shapes some puzzles in mobile also. he starts speek within 10 wrds and 2 sentence. he dance for music and he also help us for dress and undress himself.
if he have any autistic features.
Hello there! I recommend seeking an evaluation from a speech-language pathologist who can see him in person to figure out what’s going on. Good luck!
Hi sakthi
How z ur son now did u get him evaluated kid in my familiy behaves so we r going to get him evaluated but it takes several montgs waiting for our turm to come
How is he now reply please that could help us
Hi, i have 2.5 years old baby boy. He does not respons when i called him. But he followed my commad most of the time. He is active but say only 2 words sentences. He is very shy when he goes the new place and people. He always says what he wants. He already learned the Alphabet, shape,color, numbers. Is it normal?? Or am i over concerned mom?
Unfortunately, I cannot evaluate children over the internet, but your child’s doctor should be able to tell you if his speech/language is on track!
HI Sakhti, how your child is going now? mine has similar problem with you. could you please drop me a message for the information about your little one.
Hi my daughter is 19months old she doesn’t respond her name but when I play some baby ryhem she quickly response me so what is problem with her is it autism? Can you please guide me thanks
I cannot say what is going on with your child since I haven’t worked with her directly. Please seek the advice of a speech-language pathologist in your area who can help you!
Hi, my son is 2.5 years olds , he is very active boy , but he is not responding to the name and doesn’t follow the commands, he drags us to take the things which he wants. Knows all ABC , 123 , all abcd word and recognise all words and pictures what do you think is it development slow or something else please help ,
I just want to tell you people that not responding to his/her name doesn’t necessarily mean a child is autistic. Couple of month ago I began to worry too much about my kids situation. I called him by name but he did not react at all, this got me worried so i began to surf through different pages to understand what was the situation. All the information in the web indicated that my boy had to be autistic (no one ever mentioned that not responding to a name is not 100% indicator), but then i got him tested and none of it came out to be true. It seems like he is prone to ADHD. I wanted to share my experience and tell everyone who is in a same situation – Don’t go desperate and don’t get obsessive by observing child too much, your unconscious expectation has an influence and it is not healthy! (i stareted noticing this the very first day we came back from therapist, i called him and even though he was involved in his favorite game he immediately responded back) ! If you have any worries go immediately to a therapist and make a test. Best wishes to all you out there!
Please provide your mail id.i am very much worried about my 2.5 old son.if possible please mail me on
Please mail me here, I have so many questions to you, please help, my son is 3 today and he is in that situation. Please mail me
I’m the caregiver to a 16 year old girl with autism, SPD, Diabetes, mild Dysphagia, mild Depression, hearing loss and vision loss.
To this day, it’s still hard to get her to respond to her name. We’ll say it a few times in case she didn’t hear us or if she’s not recognizing it. She sometimes just wants to be called a different name (right now, she likes being called “Lorenzo” after the movie ‘Lorenzo’s Oil’, also her ALL-TIME FAVORITE film ever).
The problem is not her not responding to her name, it’s she likes to be called by and pretend to be Lorenzo all the time, even in public. Can you help me on explaining that she can’t be Lorenzo all the time?
Thank you
Stella, caregiver to a 16 year old special needs girl
Thank you so much for the beautiful post.
My son is of 20 months. He is not responding to his name. He very much likes English rhymes. Even he can read all the English alphabets/ numbers and pronounce them also since when he was 18 months. Now he can tell a for Apple b for Ball etc. Even h can recognize animas and tell their names. But I am very much worried that he doesn’t respond if someone calling him.
Is this the impact of TV. From last few days I’m not letting him to watch TV or reading alphabets.
Can you please guide me what I can do for this.
santos, could you please tell me how your son is doing now?
Hope he is healthy and always fine.
My youngest son is 5 years old and does not respond to his name at all. He is adopted and does have some speech delays which he has come a long way to overcoming. I’m just worried that he’s really missing out and is often seen as ‘naughty’ by other adults such as teachers.
My granddaughter is 21mo old and doesn’t respond to her name or point and she rocks a lot she has been working with early intervention and they say she has a sensory problem but I am worried she might have autism
Hi, Elaine-
Here are a few links from Carrie’s website that may be of help to you: Sensory and Autism.
My 18 Months old son doesn’t responds to his name, no eye contact but he used to but now he doesn’t. Not pointing on anything he wants, but he understands my commands, he likes watching nursery rhymes on tv, if doesn’t want what’s he’s watching he reaches my hand and bring me infront of the tv to search for nursery rhymes that he likes.
Hi Elsa,
Our 22 months old son has the same behavior as yours, except pointing on anything…
Did you find out if there is any issue?
We are still waiting for speech therapist appointment.
my 28 months old daughter has the same behavior like your son. any improvement this pass few months?
How is your daughter doing now ? Please reply . Is she responding to her name now ?
Do you have an empirical study to back up this approach or any other type of scholarly article that proves this is evidence-based? I am in graduate school and need to write an essay on a similar topic and this is very interesting, however I need an evidence based article to back it up. I have looked on my own to find one that aligns with this theory and have yet to fine one. Do you have one that you could refer me to?
Thank you
Hi, Dharshi-Here is a link to Carrie’s resources on Autism: If you need any further help, please let us know.
My daughter is crawling, chatting *babble*. But she only responds to me, she ignores her father, everyone except me. They can reach out and touch her but she doesn’t even give a sign she’s there, it’s like she doesn’t see them. But she sees me perfectly. Also she refuses to wean, I try to give her bottle but she just doesn’t open her mouth, when I do get it in she doesn’t suck and nothing happens. She only drinks from my breast. She refuses to sleep in a cot, she screams and cries, I’ve tried everything, I rock her until she falls asleep she only sleeps for 30 mins but then screams at the top of her lungs, we tried to let her cry it out but she cried for a full five hours and ended up throwing up. She will only sleep the whole night when she’s laying on my chest. Also she screams when her father or anyone other than me picks her up and she does not stop at ALL. She’s screams and struggles. HELP!!!
My child is 18 months old and he does not respond to his name! But turns immediately and runs to me when I play music that he likes. We are so concerned with his health now, he does not speak more than a few words (mama, papa, car, bye bye, ). Does it relate to autism?
Hi, KK-Here are a few links to resources on Carrie’s site that may be of some help to you: and Please reach out if you need any further help.
My son is 20 months old. He can express himself by pulling my hands to the door knob if he wants to open the door. He brings my shoes from the door to the sofa if he wants me to bring him out. He is most of the time happy. He laughs when he sees something that he likes. He is not responding to his name. He babbles but does not seem to mean anything. My worries is that he is not responding to his name at all. Me and my wife speaks to him in one language while the nanny uses another language. He is most of the time alone at home with the nanny as both my wife and me need to work on shifts.
Is there any advise that you can give me?
Hi, there! Here are a few links to resources on Carrie’s site that may be of some help to you: and Please let us know if you need anything further help.
Hi, my son is a premie. He was born 6 wks early. He is now 20 months old. He can say alot of words. Copy me when I say them. He points things when I point them. He looks at me sometimes when I say his name but most of the time he wont but he follows direction. When I said No, he shake his head and said No to. When i feed him food that he didnt like he said No and shake his head. When we walked outside I called his name he wont turn his head but he turn around. Evaluation came here to evaluate him birth to 3 program and they called him he didnt listened the first time but then he turn his head until 3 calls. Then again they came early in the morning I woke up my child in the middle of his sleep to entertain the evalautors then they call him and still he didnt listened he was busy busy his toy truck. But he follows direction. Hr can say a word. If you ask where is his shoes he will look for it and bring them to me. And when we go out and he sees both of me and my husband has no shoes he brought our shoes to us. But the problem is he barely turn his head and look at us when we call his name. Is it a selective deafness or what? Please let us know.
Hi, Regin-Here is a link to some of Carrie’s resources on hearing loss that may be of some help to you:
My son is 13 months old and he doesn’t respond his name and he doesn’t even say a word .he was responding his name when he was 10 month old but suddenly he stoped. I am worried. I don’t know what to do.
Hi, Sidra-Here is an article that may be of interest to you. In it, Carrie talks about children that do not respond to their names:
Hi, I have a nephew who is almost 2 years old and he is still not responding to his name. I am very concerned about him. What do I do? And the parents are not in the mindset to even listen to me.
Hi, Keerthana-Here is an article that Carrie wrote about children that do not answer to their name: If you need further help, please let us know.
Hi Keerthana,
My child had the same problem and she was around 21 months old . We were really worried with all the negative thoughts occupying us . We got her development test done and had to see an OT for a month and she is absolutely fine now .
P.S. we tried the above prescribed way ourselves for around 2 months and had zero results . May be it’s always better to get it done from an OT
My son is 2 and half years old he doesnt resopnd to his name, he doesnt talk to back anything, he only talk his unknown sounds when he is playing. What can i do?
Hello! Thank you so much for reaching out. Unfortunately, we get a ton of questions every day about how to solve specific speech/language problems. Since we have such a small staff, we aren’t able to answer every question that comes through on the website, social media, or via email. If you are a parent, we suggest you reach out to a local speech-language pathologist who can work with your child directly and answer your question.
If you are another speech-language professional, we have created a membership where we pay a full staff to answer questions like this on a regular basis. We would be more than happy to answer your question inside the membership program. We’re able to answer more questions in here because we have a full library of questions that we’ve already answered so our staff can either link you to the answer if it exists, or write you a custom response if needed. We’d love to see you inside the membership!
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My 19 months old doesn’t response when called but has started babbling n playing with toys n kicks ball n knows how to press buttons for a musical toys n her fine n gross motor skills are also ok . I am conserned y she is not replying to when called?
Hello! Thank you so much for reaching out. Unfortunately, we get a ton of questions every day about how to solve specific speech/language problems. Since we have such a small staff, we aren’t able to answer every question that comes through on the website, social media, or via email. If you are a parent, we suggest you reach out to a local speech-language pathologist who can work with your child directly and answer your question.
If you are another speech-language professional, we have created a membership where we pay a full staff to answer questions like this on a regular basis. We would be more than happy to answer your question inside the membership program. We’re able to answer more questions in here because we have a full library of questions that we’ve already answered so our staff can either link you to the answer if it exists, or write you a custom response if needed. We’d love to see you inside the membership!
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My son is 20 months old and he is not responding to his name. I’ve already talked to his doctor and we have set up some home visits. My son used to respond to his name i have videos thst prove it and i was just wondering if there is anything besides autism that could make something like that regress such as stress? Super happy smiley boy. I plan to practice these steps with him and I’m hoping to see my little guy get back to where he was.
Hello! Thank you so much for reaching out. Unfortunately, we get a ton of questions every day about how to solve specific speech/language problems. Since we have such a small staff, we aren’t able to answer every question that comes through on the website, social media, or via email. If you are a parent, we suggest you reach out to a local speech-language pathologist who can work with your child directly and answer your question.
If you are another speech-language professional, we have created a membership where we pay a full staff to answer questions like this on a regular basis. We would be more than happy to answer your question inside the membership program. We’re able to answer more questions in here because we have a full library of questions that we’ve already answered so our staff can either link you to the answer if it exists, or write you a custom response if needed. We’d love to see you inside the membership!
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Hi Amy
I want to see this video and step biz son have same problem
My situation is very similar to all of these listed above. My almost 16 month old daughter 95% of the time will not listen to her name. On some occasions I feel she may but not on a regular basis or if she is entertained with something. She has said mama, and dada. Mama is something I hear a little more frequently but not as often as I would think. She is not pointing but will reach for something if she wants it. I have an older daughter that she LOVES to play with and chase around the house. My 16 month old will imitate me but not every time I ask for her to repeat certain things. we have had her conductive hearing checked out and she passed but they could see our concern for sounds/voices she did not pay attention to until the got loud. I have reached out and have the state founded program coming to my house. This Wednesday they come from the first evaluation, I had met with them 2 weeks ago and scheduled this one and went ahead an scheduled the net apt to talk about our plan. I believe they already think she will benefit from this even before the evaluation has been completed just off the first meet and greet and information gathering. I do not want a diagnosis this yearly but I do want to give her all the extra help I can get to see what our plans look like. If anyone has had any similar situations please let me know!
My son is 7 months old and not really
Responding to his name. He smiles and laughs and shows excitement when he sees us. He also responds to other sounds and noises just not his name yet. Should I be concerned?
Hello, Marlee!
Thank you so much for reaching out. Unfortunately, we get a ton of questions every day about how to solve specific speech/language problems. Since we have such a small staff, we aren’t able to answer every question that comes through on the website, social media, or via email. If you are a parent, we suggest you reach out to a local speech-language pathologist who can work with your child directly and answer your question.
If you are another speech-language professional, we have created a membership where we pay a full staff to answer questions like this on a regular basis. We would be more than happy to answer your question inside the membership program. We’re able to answer more questions in here because we have a full library of questions that we’ve already answered so our staff can either link you to the answer if it exists, or write you a custom response if needed. We’d love to see you inside the membership!
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Hi there,
My son is 22 month old,he responds to his name occasionally however he points at everything.
He will show us what we ask him,knows 1-10 and can also read alphabets.
I teach something new once and he will remember it.
He isn’t a much talker however babbles.
Knows most of the nursery rhymes.
His fine motor skills is just right.
He plays with his peers and even older kids.
My concern is not responding to his name always and he doesn’t look at me while playing.
His focus is at an object.
I have got his eyes and ears checked too
I see no other issues.
Do I need to worry or it’s just an age or an attitude.
Hi, Manny-
Thank you so much for reaching out. Unfortunately, we get a ton of questions every day about how to solve specific speech/language problems. Since we have such a small staff, we aren’t able to answer every question that comes through on the website, social media, or via email. If you are a parent, we suggest you reach out to a local speech-language pathologist who can work with your child directly and answer your question.
If you are another speech-language professional, we have created a membership where we pay a full staff to answer questions like this on a regular basis. We would be more than happy to answer your question inside the membership program. We’re able to answer more questions in here because we have a full library of questions that we’ve already answered so our staff can either link you to the answer if it exists, or write you a custom response if needed. We’d love to see you inside the membership!
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Hi all,
I just came across this website when i am browsing for speech delay for 3 years old.
My twin girls are very active they know A to Z alphabets and every individual rhyme on tv they dance accordingly as well, but they don’t respond to there names.
We have contacted doctors they asked us to send them to speech therapy.
I am really worried they asked questions like if babies have temperature during birth??
Actually I have high temperature during delivery due to epidural ??
Is this something related to autism plz advice
Hello, MC!
Thank you so much for reaching out. Unfortunately, we get a ton of questions every day about how to solve specific speech/language problems. Since we have such a small staff, we aren’t able to answer every question that comes through on the website, social media, or via email. If you are a parent, we suggest you reach out to a local speech-language pathologist who can work with your child directly and answer your question.
If you are another speech-language professional, we have created a membership where we pay a full staff to answer questions like this on a regular basis. We would be more than happy to answer your question inside the membership program. We’re able to answer more questions in here because we have a full library of questions that we’ve already answered so our staff can either link you to the answer if it exists, or write you a custom response if needed. We’d love to see you inside the membership!
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Hey ,I have 15 months daughter ..she doesn’t respond her name ..some time she respond but mostly she doesn’t even I call her in front of her.i did clapping etc but she doesn’t respond but she plays very well with her brother ..she smile ,eat well, sleep well..I know very worried so plz guide me .thanku
Hello, Abeer!
Thank you so much for reaching out. Unfortunately, we get a ton of questions every day about how to solve specific speech/language problems. Since we have such a small staff, we aren’t able to answer every question that comes through on the website, social media, or via email. If you are a parent, we suggest you reach out to a local speech-language pathologist who can work with your child directly and answer your question.
If you are another speech-language professional, we have created a membership where we pay a full staff to answer questions like this on a regular basis. We would be more than happy to answer your question inside the membership program. We’re able to answer more questions in here because we have a full library of questions that we’ve already answered so our staff can either link you to the answer if it exists, or write you a custom response if needed. We’d love to see you inside the membership!
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Is she responding now? My son 13 months old doesn’t respond to his name either . I am very very worried .
My son is 2 and a half years old. he always playing and running. speaking different words. he knows counting 1-10 knows almost all the alphabets. he conveys to me his concerns like food or about what he wants but he is not responding to his name. he is responding to other noises but not his name. Can you please guide me what should I do now?
Hello, Munifa!
Thank you so much for reaching out. Unfortunately, we get a ton of questions every day about how to solve specific speech/language problems. Since we have such a small staff, we aren’t able to answer every question that comes through on the website, social media, or via email. If you are a parent, we suggest you reach out to a local speech-language pathologist who can work with your child directly and answer your question.
If you are another speech-language professional, we have created a membership where we pay a full staff to answer questions like this on a regular basis. We would be more than happy to answer your question inside the membership program. We’re able to answer more questions in here because we have a full library of questions that we’ve already answered so our staff can either link you to the answer if it exists, or write you a custom response if needed. We’d love to see you inside the membership!
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My son is 2.5 yrs. He is exactly doing the same.
Is he responding now ? Did you take him to the doctor ?
my grandson is three he has counted to twenty and sings the alphabet since he was one. Also draws them. he does not acknowledge you when you speak to him and doesn’t speak. he sings every song he hears word for word. he understands no and dont touch. he flaps his arms now and then and will take your hand and take you to what he wants. he is very cuddly and likes to lay with his poppy. what do you think he would be on the spectrum, autistic or asperges’s?
Hello, Susan!
Thank you so much for reaching out. Unfortunately, we get a ton of questions every day about how to solve specific speech/language problems. Since we have such a small staff, we aren’t able to answer every question that comes through on the website, social media, or via email. If you are a parent, we suggest you reach out to a local speech-language pathologist who can work with your child directly and answer your question.
If you are another speech-language professional, we have created a membership where we pay a full staff to answer questions like this on a regular basis. We would be more than happy to answer your question inside the membership program. We’re able to answer more questions in here because we have a full library of questions that we’ve already answered so our staff can either link you to the answer if it exists, or write you a custom response if needed. We’d love to see you inside the membership!
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We live in the UK. My 23months old son also does not respond to his name. He has no hearing issues. He is very responsive to other noises i.e. TV noise, door handle etc. There is also other issues with him. He does not follow our instructions too. He babbles but does not speak any proper word. He is our only son. We are living in highly stressed situation. Our life has become miserable. We cannot eat, drink, sleep and joy any moments properly. 24×7 we keep thinking what to do and where to go. Has anyone came out of this situation? Can anyone recommend any solution ?
Go out and much more contact with other children at same age.There is no better therapy.And Give them Time.I have the same with my Son.I got like crazy so Sad and then I thought he is a baby and a if u let him reise like a normal one he ll be normal.
My son is 3 year old he is fine in all but the thing is he is not responding to his name and poor eye coordination but if i do some tickles and animals sounds he looks at me. What does mean pls some one help me what should i do now
Hello, Vidya-
Thank you so much for reaching out. Unfortunately, we get a ton of questions every day about how to solve specific speech/language problems. Since we have such a small staff, we aren’t able to answer every question that comes through on the website, social media, or via email. If you are a parent, we suggest you reach out to a local speech-language pathologist who can work with your child directly and answer your question.
If you are another speech-language professional, we have created a membership where we pay a full staff to answer questions like this on a regular basis. We would be more than happy to answer your question inside the membership program. We’re able to answer more questions in here because we have a full library of questions that we’ve already answered so our staff can either link you to the answer if it exists, or write you a custom response if needed. We’d love to see you inside the membership!
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Thanks for this informative article. I have to write a detailed article on this topic for my uni assignment and this will get me going.
Thanks for letting us know Noah. If you have any questions, please let us know.
Hi my son response his name when he far when I call he is coming he he’s very good eye contact I’m worried because when I’m close he didn’t response name what should I do he’s almost 2
Hello, Mary!
Thank you so much for reaching out. Unfortunately, we get a ton of questions every day about how to solve specific speech/language problems. Since we have such a small staff, we aren’t able to answer every question that comes through on the website, social media, or via email. If you are a parent, we suggest you reach out to a local speech-language pathologist who can work with your child directly and answer your question.
If you are another speech-language professional, we have created a membership where we pay a full staff to answer questions like this on a regular basis. We would be more than happy to answer your question inside the membership program. We’re able to answer more questions in here because we have a full library of questions that we’ve already answered so our staff can either link you to the answer if it exists, or write you a custom response if needed. We’d love to see you inside the membership!
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Hi my son does all sorts of communication. He calls everyone by names. He sings rhymes and whatever he can. But he does not respond when he calls by his name. In the mean time if we says other words he respond and talk. What should i do?
Thank you so much for reaching out. Unfortunately, we get a ton of questions every day about how to solve specific speech/language problems. Since we have such a small staff, we aren’t able to answer every question that comes through on the website, social media, or via email. If you are a parent, we suggest you reach out to a local speech-language pathologist who can work with your child directly and answer your question.
If you are another speech-language professional, we have created a membership where we pay a full staff to answer questions like this on a regular basis. We would be more than happy to answer your question inside the membership program. We’re able to answer more questions in here because we have a full library of questions that we’ve already answered so our staff can either link you to the answer if it exists, or write you a custom response if needed. We’d love to see you inside the membership!
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